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November 12, 2007
The Check Mii Out Channel launched worldwide yesterday.  You can get it free from the WiiWare™ section of the Wii Shop Channel.  It's easy to upload Miis to the Posting Plaza where you can also select up to 50 Miis from around the world as your favorites.  You can also transfer them to your Mii Channel Plaza, but I'm keeping them in the Posting Plaza for now since I already have 100 Miis in my Mii Channel -- not counting the ones stored on my Wiimotes.  The Miis in the Posting Plaza can be viewed by popularity, top 50, grab bag, and favorites.  If you come across a Mii you like and want to see more like it or by the same Mii Artisan you can "Call Mii Friends" to view them.  I really like this feature and am glad they included it.  I don't like being limited to only two initials for posted Miis, however.  I understand that Nintendo probably did it to avoid any inappropriate names, but I still don't like it.  It's cool to be able to name them when you transfer them to your Mii Channel.  I don't know what the limit to the number of Miis you can post is since I've only uploaded 23 so far.  Let my know if you come across any by my DrBrainAge Artisan. 

"Mario Without A Cap" is the first Check Mii Out Channel's contest.  If you don't have a Mii for the contest go to the Mii Channel and make one to submit it before the contest ends.  You can only submit Miis to the contest or plaza that you made.  I submitted this Hatless Mario I made shortly after getting my Wii.  I'm sure people can do better, so go post your Mii.  I wish they'd included a "suggest a contest" option like they did with the Everybody Votes channel. 


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