Ultimate Wizard
Commodore [Commodore 64]
Game info
System: Commodore [Commodore 64]
Genre: Platforming
Developer: Progressive Peripherals & Software
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Ultimate Wizard screen shot
Release info
[USA] Ultimate Wizard
Date: 1986  
[Europe] Ultimate Wizard
Date: 1986  
Cameo appearances and references

Ultimate Wizard has a couple of references to the Donkey Kong arcade game, which are not in the original edition of Wizard released in 1983.

Level 5 (titled "Where's Mario?") is based on the first stage of Donkey Kong. Since the level in Ultimate Wizard lacks ladders, you have to jump over all the rolling rocks to make it to the top.

Level 13, called "Where's Mario II," is based on Donkey Kong's rivet stage. A hole appears in the platform above you when you collect treasure next to a ladder.

Screen shots

Thanks: Eclipsed Moon
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The Mushroom Kingdom \ The Games \ Commodore \ Ultimate Wizard