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April 8, 2008
Mario Kart Wii Bundle in Europe? 08:59:46 PM CT [Super-Jesse]

It seems as if Mario Kart Wii is all over the place, and rightly so, with the release date just around the corner. However, this latest little tidbit concerning the game is hard to believe. Rumors are circulating on the internet states that Nintendo is planning a Wii system bundle that would include Mario Kart Wii and retail for €199,99, along with a price cut of €149,99 for the Wii Sports package. The rumor also mentions a possible third bundle that would come with two controllers and two games. The big change is expected to hit sometime in the middle of May.

Honestly, I could see the MKWii bundle, but the price cut seems too soon and the "two games" bundle seems too general for me. Voice your opinion in the Fungi Forums!


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