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April 18, 2008
It Begins: Mario Cakes 12:12:23 AM CT [Super-Jesse]

Thanks to Anthony D. for the idea!

Some of us aren't familiar with the craze of Game Cakes, so allow me to enlighten you. For about half a year or so, blog has been chronically posting video game inspired cakes. Now, these aren't your run of the mill, cookie cut-out cakes. No, these are epic cakes, ones that require so much skill you can call them works of art. That's about all there is to it.

What we have here is a few Mario Game Cakes I've found just by doing a quick Google Search. No rhyme or reason, just something fun to get your weekend started out right. Hopefully this will start some sort of weekly deal. If you like the feature, I'll keep doing it. If not, it'll disappear faster than Mario's Cousin Stanley!

Click over to "Discuss in the Fungi Forums" to see the first few cakes!

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