346867 Posts in 14696 Topics by 24772 Members.Latest Member: DouglasObene
I'd rather they release it in the summer. I'm tired of going months without a new game release (or at least a good one, save for a couple of gems here and there) and all the big games being released just in time for the holiday rush (October to the end of the year).
I'm surprised. With the level of hate Sunshine gets around here, I thought Wiggles was being sarcastic.
here's hoping that Nintendo uses Isle Delfino as a point of reference while designing SMG2's hub area.
I find it rare for even a single week to go by without at least one good or great game that I want to play coming out. Sometimes they're big and sometime's they're small, but there is a constant bonanza of awesome out there. I have dedicated nearly all my free time to gaming, especially post-school, and plan to until I die and there are still literally hundreds of masterpieces I will probably never get around to experiencing.
I think you're going to be disappointed.
My gaming axiom: If it's not first-party, it probably sucks.
So far no sign of Mini-Me Bowser.
Did you not watch the trailer?
I know, and I totally understand, but you were specifically complaining about months going by without a good game coming out and I responded to that accordingly.