Miscellaneous > Fan Creations

I'm a music-dude, too, sometimes.

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Reminds me a lot of SMRPG.

gonna go ahead and report you for copyright infringement for that one

Just kidding. It sounds really good*, if it is indeed yours.
gets added points for being a midi, otherwise quite short and simple. too short, but not too simple.

I found some more old tunes on my computer.

Very much "inspired" by the Pirates movies. I conceived it as a "walk up to the final boss" section of a video game. About five years old, maybe more.

Made this about three years ago, or perhaps slightly less. I was trying to sound like Banjo-Kazooie. I think I succeeded.

It's brand new! I wasn't going to post about this here just yet, but I figured since I was already making a post I might as well. About a week ago, a friend from school wrote a fantastic acoustic piece, and I asked if I could record it to add to it. The guitar is him, the drums are my contribution. (I don't play the drums, but I can wrangle a sequencer pretty well.)
The reason that the guitar is all choppy and staticky is that a) it was recorded on my phone, and b) the recording was chopped to fit a unified tempo. When he recorded it, his speed was all over the place, and I needed to even it out to work with it on my own. After we're done adding things like drums, bass, and perhaps a synth section, we'll re-record the guitar, and I'll spend a few hours giving it a nice mix. The goal is to have something at least sort of professional-sounding.

Hey BriGuy! your track 'So awesome' is pretty awesome, you weren't mistaken. It kind of reminded me of Adebisi Shank. I don't usually listen to this kind of music but that crazy colorful stuff going fast is cool, great job man.

Keep 'em coming.


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