Miscellaneous > Forum Games
The Pointless Topic!
Unsharpened pencils.
Pokemon Jirachi wishmaker! One of the greatest Pokemon movies ever! But the short (Pokemon Gotta Dance) was stupid...
Forest Guy:
If I had a dime for every thread like this that's been made... I'd probably have like 80 cents.
What part of the chicken is the McNugget, exactly?
Ooh, you could buy 80 pieces of penny candy!
Pokemon Jirachi wishmaker! One of the greatest Pokemon movies ever! But the short (Pokemon Gotta Dance) was stupid...
"Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream, it is not dying, it is not dying."
This song's album beats Pet Sounds in every way. It beats Pet Sounds in every other way.
"Deezer is a moron, he listens to people like you guys, well, actually, he''''s barely working on his site anymore, always busy with other crap. Sapphira and Chupperson feel like they own the forum, or at least they act it"~jon
Edited by - nintendofreak on 6/10/2004 3:31:20 PM
To complement Nintendofreak's post, I will now give you a expcert from some strange Beatles songs as well.
"A soap impression of his wife which he ate and donated to the National Trust"
" He went out tiger hunting with his elephant and gun, In case of accidents he always took his mom
He's the all American bullet-headed Saxon mother's son, all the children sing"
"I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together,
See how they run like pigs from a gun see how they fly, I'm crying , sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come"
"But listen to the color of your dreams, it is not living, it is not living"
"Newspaper taxies appear on the shores, waiting to take you away"
Edited by - Koopaslaya on 6/10/2004 3:49:43 PM
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