Miscellaneous > Not at the Dinner Table
An Interesting Article
Gender politics from a different perspective. I can't think of much else to say, but... yeah.
I'm not going to say this is embellished or incorrect at any rate, but rather that one should never be surprised by anybody's attempts to maximize privilege and minimize responsibility-- for any one of any gender. And while societal norms may dictate a list of expectations that not all men nor women are able to answer to, I don't think we as a society have become so androphobic as to make paint all men as emotionless, potentially dangerous laborers.
When everyone gets the responsibility and respect they desire, they will know the consequences.
This article reminds me of a book I read about a woman who goes undercover as a man for 18 months. During her time as a "man" she joins an all-male bowling team, stays at an all-male monastery, tries to date other women, and even visits strip clubs to get a sense of how men (are expected to) behave as a gender group. It was a really good book, the author (Norah Vincent) was on the Colbert Report. She's also not transgender, just a lesbian woman.
I think it must be hard for a person treated as a women to have to adjust to being treated as a man: clearly men and women are not treated exactly the same in our society. I don't think it's quite as apparent to those of us who are simply raised and treated as one gender in our lifetime. While I do think that male privilege is still a thing that exists, I do think that men are traditionally raised in such a way that we aren't as capable at handling or expressing complex emotions, at least compared to how women are allowed to express some of their emotions (i.e. cry in public).
Ideally gendered expectations wouldn't be so darn extreme. It should be fine for men to cry if they're upset, just as it should be fine for women to be assertive and take charge if a situation upsets them. Men and women do have the capacity to do both things, but I think we've been socialized to the extent that we don't recognize our options.
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