Miscellaneous > Not at the Dinner Table
So basically, I was reading this thread (0n page 6),when I saw this:
--- Quote ---Killing is not the same as murder.
--- End quote ---
Considering that Truttle was answering something about the 10 Commandments, this frustrated me. Probably because it isn't "Thou shalt not murder", it IS "Thou shalt not kill". What do you think?
I think you're beating a dead horse.
I thought it was a dead racoon. Decomposition does strange things.
Depends on the translation. Most modern translations use "murder" instead of "kill". Murder, which is the English word for "wrongful/unjustified killing", is a better translation of the Hebrew, considering how many places there are later in the same book where God orders the Israelites to kill people (Canaanites, idol-worshippers, people who work on Saturday, and murderers, among many others). We still make distinctions like that today. Killing in war, in self-defense, as official legal punishment, as euthanasia -- most people believe that at least some of those categories are at least sometimes not murder, even though the tragedy of death is still just as present.
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