Video Games > Video Game Chat

Satoru Iwata has died.

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Bill Trinen just posted this for him.

Nintendo's flag is at half-mast
Here he is on the Balloon Fight episode of Game Center CX


I was deeply saddened to hear he had passed -- and so young, from something so awful. Nintendo was there for the better part of my childhood under his presidency -- this could truly be the end of an era.

From elsewhere on the web:

I hope his family is doing okay.

Lizard Dude:
Since it was cancer-related and he was wealthy I'm sure he had some idea that this was coming. Now, imagine spending what you know to be your last few weeks alive being yelled at by Internet nerds about the existence of Federation Force. Jesus. No one deserves that fate, least of all Iwata-san. RIP dude. :(


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