Video Games > Mario Chat

Super Mario Maker

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A week until release and still no thread? For shame.

I'm really excited for this one. Probably won't be uploading too many levels of my own, but I'm looking forward to playing the few good stages amidst the sea of ones shaped like reproductive organs. With any luck some of the missing features (slopes, certain enemies, etc.) will be added in as DLC.

Any level ideas you've come up with?

I don't know how hard this would be to program, but I'd like it if each style kept the physics of the original game. No holding the jump to jump higher in SMB-style, say.

But I understand why they are doing the way it is. To keep things relatively uniform.

I don't have a Wii U yet, so..

The Chef:
I think for the most part, each skin does keep the original physics intact. Being able to super-jump off enemies is probably in SMB mode because it was introduced in Lost Levels.

I tried a demo at Target today. I wasn't really looking for anything in particular, but I liked what I saw.

I really liked the enemy customization. Being able to power them up presents a great creative spark in me.

There's some pretty huge debates online about whether the original physics are preserved, mostly between people who've never played the game, but the consensus from everyone who's played it is that it feels right, so I'm not worried.


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