Miscellaneous > Fan Creations

Some of my Art

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I've never really shared any of my art here. I do abstract stuff that in the end looks pretty concrete. Enjoy!

EDIT: Apparently it's too much for the Fungi Forums. My apologies.

Red Forest

Story of My Life

Molecular Incohesion

Pretty cool stuff! By the way, in the future if you want to upload things and post them, try uploading them http://www.imgur.com and then just posting the image link in here, that way it's not all huge in the forums and also you won't be limited by filesize restrictions.

I'm gonna have to side with Super-Jesse on this one. Y'know, about the cool part.


--- Quote from: TheMightyThor on July 31, 2013, 08:26:25 PM ---I'm gonna have to side with Super-Jesse on this one. Y'know, about the cool part.

--- End quote ---

My name in the same post as the word "cool" doesn't happen often.


--- Quote from: Chocobo on July 23, 2013, 03:31:15 PM ---Chocobo's art
--- End quote ---
Amazing, for real.


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