Miscellaneous > The White Mushroom House

Game sale and more!


Hey everybody, I've got some stuff for sale.  Prices are potentially negotiable (or we could work out a trade deal).  If you're interested, just e-mail me and tell me what you want.  You can pay by PayPal, check, or money order.  Shipping is not included because I'll let you choose the method of shipment.  Also, I've got tons of older computer parts that I'll let go of for dirt cheap.  I'll make another posting for that if people are interested.  How about helping a TMK staffer out?  Thanks!Edited by - MEGAߥTE on 6/30/2003 8:46:08 PM

DOH, the board isn't accepting HTML..  hope you can read this...
Item: Skillz Cube Connection Gamecube controller -> PC/Mac USB converter (new, unopened) Quantity: 5 Price: $18
Item: Empty black DVD case Quantity: 64 Price: $0.50 or less if bought in quantity
Item: Nintendo Gameboy Tetris Quantity: 2 (1 w/ damaged label) Price: $7
Item: SNES Disney's Goof Troop Quantity: 1 Price: $13
Item: SNES Super Gameboy Quantity: 1 Price: $7
Item: NEC TurboGrafx-16 / TurboDuo Boxyboy (complete) Quantity: 1 Price: $9
Item: NEC TurboGrafx-16 / TurboDuo Legendary Axe (complete) Quantity: 1 Price: $14
Item: NEC TurboGrafx-16 / TurboDuo TV Sports Basketball (complete) Quantity: 1 Price: $9

Edited by - MEGAߥTE on 6/30/2003 7:38:45 PM

Chupperson Weird:
I would get the Super Game Boy, but I don't have a SNES. I would get some of the other stuff but I have no money. :-(


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