Miscellaneous > Fan Creations

Super Mario custom figures

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How dare flying Mario not be a favorite power-up, and how dare you get such a slick finish.

After painting a figure, do you have to go easy on the joints (i.e. no more play time)?


--- Quote from: DeadAwake on June 04, 2023, 10:05:17 PM ---How dare flying Mario not be a favorite power-up, and how dare you get such a slick finish.

After painting a figure, do you have to go easy on the joints (i.e. no more play time)?

--- End quote ---

Haha, I guess I prefer the old powerups like the Fire Flower or Super Leaf.

It depends on what you do. Posing them in different positions is fine, as long as you aren't too rough you should be good. Sometimes you may have to file down the joints where either the arms or legs bend to avoid paint rub, but it seems with these figures it's not necessary. There is also paint sealant you can use which will prevent the paint from chipping off.

For example, the customs I did of Flying Mario, original Fire Mario and Luigi (white overalls) I disassembled the figures by popping off the head, hands and legs. You can do this by placing them in front of a space heater for a few minutes. The plastic will become soft, making it easier to remove the parts. I masked off the arms/shirt and shoes and spray painted. I removed the tape and did touchups if the paint overlapped. The arms are free to move around. The overalls should be fine as they were spray painted. When moving the knees there isn't any paint rub.

With the customs of the Bros. in their original colors or SMB3 Fire Mario, I used a base figure where their overalls were already red or green. I did this as it's easier and less painting. I swapped the heads with ones where the hat was red or green so it matched the overalls. I just repainted the arms, and again no noticable paint rub.

Sure, a figure may look good when finished. The most important thing is prepping it and sealing it properly so it stays that way.

Finished my Mario Sunshine custom last night.

I recently found some STL files for a Fludd model. For those that don't know, STL files are needed for 3D printing. I uploaded them to Shapeways and after 2 weeks, got it in the mail yesterday. I painted it, color-matching it as best I could. There was a little peg towards the bottom. I used my dremel and made a hole in Mario's back and plugged it in. The belt is from a Builder Mario figure. I shaved off the extra pouches and repainted the shaved areas. I also repainted his lower arms with a flesh color so it looks like he's wearing a short-sleeve shirt.

Finished up Luigi with the Polturgust 3000 from Luigi's Mansion.

The Fludd model I downloaded a few weeks ago also came with a Shine Sprite. In addition to Fludd, I wanted to have an item to go with Mario. A simple repaint with a goldish-yellow, black on the eyes and done.

Also, I recently picked up a 2.5" 8-bit Mario (modern colors) and customized him into Luigi (modern colors). The overalls, hat and shirt were repainted, and I used a toothpick for any touchups.


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