TMK Stuff > Site Discussion
It's about time.
As of this posting, I just founded the Discord server for TMK, and a few IRC regulars are there.
hey i'm in there and i'm known as Slick Butter alright (for you kids who weren't cool enough to be on IRC)
come join the future of TMK
I just realized the invite link probably expired! I replaced it with one that won't. It should work now if it didn't before.
--- Quote from: Ninjap00 on October 02, 2017, 06:31:57 PM ---hey i'm in there and i'm known as Slick Butter alright (for you kids who weren't cool enough to be on IRC)
come join the future of TMK
--- End quote ---
I'd say it's more of the future of the chatroom than anything... The discord is great for short discussions, but I don't think it can replace the forum and site's easily accessible and searchable discussions and information.
I don't have Discord :,(
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