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Video Games => Video Game Chat => Topic started by: Stephzie on May 02, 2009, 08:28:14 AM

Title: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Stephzie on May 02, 2009, 08:28:14 AM
..This happens to me way too much. I never have any money so I have to TRADE IN my games in order to afford new ones....

And it really sucks cuz the other night I wanted to play Luigi's Mansion SO. BADLY.

...Turns out I sold it.

I've been craving Mario Galaxy too....and I sold that as well. =/


I'm probably going to buy them both back once I get money...and maybe sunshine too since I never actually owned it.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Turtlekid1 on May 02, 2009, 08:46:02 AM
You sold Mario Galaxy!?

Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Stephzie on May 02, 2009, 09:27:01 AM
I don't even know WHAT I was thinking. That game was so fun and the graphics and stuff was so pretty...<3
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Glorb on May 02, 2009, 09:36:48 AM
I'm always trading in games once I beat them with a few exceptions (namely, games with lots of replay value, like the MGSs and GTAs), but I miss quite a few games.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: jdaster64 on May 02, 2009, 10:55:14 AM
Besides duplicates and direct ports, the only games I ever remember trading in are a handful of outdated Pac-Man/Namco Museum games, and Donkey Kong Land.  No regrets there.  Shoot, I still have an old copy of G&WG3!

I personally prefer the oldies to most new games. (With obvious expections such as SSBM and SSBB)  I'd be pretty dang mad if I ever lost my SMBDX cartridge, considering the countless hours that went into my roughly 2,000,000-point challenge mode score.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: ShadowBrain on May 02, 2009, 11:12:00 AM
I've mentioned this before, I believe, but I sold a whole shoebox worth of NES games a while back for, like, $30. Among them: Metal Gear.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Stephzie on May 02, 2009, 11:26:14 AM
My nanny bought me and my brother a SNES for xmas one year and a few years later my mom sold it at a garage sale for $5 with one controller and Super Mario World.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Chupperson Weird on May 02, 2009, 11:45:18 AM
Hmm have I ever sold a game? ... Nope! I WIN THIS THREAD
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Glorb on May 02, 2009, 11:52:18 AM
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: CrossEyed7 on May 02, 2009, 01:43:55 PM
I kinda miss Mario Vs. Donkey Kong 2.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Toad on May 02, 2009, 02:18:19 PM
I wish I still had Super Princess Peach. Sure she was weak, sure the game was realativley easy, but it was fun, and a good game to play in between games.

I also wish I still had the Gamecube version of Pac-Man World Rally. I haven't seen a GC version since I got rid of the one that I owned. It was also a lot of fun, and a good Mario Kart clone.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Luigison on May 02, 2009, 03:50:19 PM
Tengen Tetris!

I also traded in Katamari when the new version came out and then bought the original new a few months later. 

I accidently sold my only copy of SMAS+SMW at a garage sale last year.  I was getting rid of duplicate copies of SMAS and didn't realize on of them was +SMW.

I gave Excite Truck to my father-in-law about a month ago assuming I could buy another copy, but had no such luck.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Mr. Wiggles on May 04, 2009, 02:51:45 PM
I don't see how anyone benefits from trading in games. Those video game chains give you like 15 bucks at most for your used games and then sell the game just 5 dollars below the suggested retail price, not to mention they keep the actual disc inside a file instead. Gross.

That's why I've never given any game stor ethe pleasure of buying my games. I prefer to sell them myself, though that happens rarely. I end up losing a lot of them too due to my inability to keep them locked up when the kids decide they'd marathon a lot of games and leave them lying around when they're not using them.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Toad on May 04, 2009, 02:56:44 PM
That is one thing I like about the disc generation of games: Any save file that you have created is yours to keep, unless you decide to erase it. Pity that only works on memory card/SD card files..
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Chupperson Weird on May 04, 2009, 03:23:12 PM
Whoa, how old is Mr. Wiggles?
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Mr. Wiggles on May 04, 2009, 04:00:12 PM
I'm 19 Chup.

I really need to stop using kids and siblings interchangeably. People outside my family always assume that.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Glorb on May 04, 2009, 05:38:19 PM
not to mention they keep the actual disc inside a file instead. Gross.

How is keeping the disk out of the hands of shoplifters and unwashed little kids "gross"?

In this day and age, buying games at MSRP is impossible for me if I intend to also buy food, gas and clothes, so I buy used. Trading them back in helps me recupe some of those spent moneys. I have no intention of amassing some giant game library in this lifetime.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Mr. Wiggles on May 04, 2009, 06:57:32 PM
They're both gross, but I'd rather know my games I'm buying haven't been left in some place to collect dust.

How old are you Glorb, and why are you paying all that stuff by yourself? I pay for that stuff to, but I still prefer to buy factory fresh games, unless they're old, impossible to find or sold at ridiculously high prices (eBay sellers love to do this). Though I usually wait for deals and mailed coupons to use when I'm buying stuff.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Chupperson Weird on May 04, 2009, 07:00:21 PM
GameStop keeps their discs in little paper folders. Out of dust.
Where I work we used to keep all our discs and now only some of our discs in TrimPaks. They don't collect dust there either. In fact they're better off because they don't get shuffled around and popped off their spindles like they do in their cases where people throw them around all day.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Pt_Peach on May 04, 2009, 07:30:31 PM
I traded in this snowboarding game that was for Gamecube. I was looking for it one day, cause I got major kicks out of playing it, and then it was all *tear* *tear* I TRADED IT IN!

Needless to say, I don't like trading games in, but its great if you need/want new games and you don't plan to spend every cent you get on them.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Glorb on May 05, 2009, 01:42:48 PM
I once bought the exact copy of a game I had sold at a GameStop once.

Also, back when GS sold loose SNES and N64 cartridges on the shelves, I'd pull a trick every few weeks where I'd subtly swipe one off the shelf and sell it right back to them. If they ever got suspicious, I'd mix them in with a few of my own that I was legitimately selling. I personally still don't see this as any form of stealing, since they're just giving me store credit and their inventory stays the same.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Chupperson Weird on May 05, 2009, 02:34:11 PM
How does their inventory stay the same? The inventory says they have one more than they do when you do that. You're just the type of person we had to take measures against where I work. Jerk.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Glorb on May 05, 2009, 02:59:32 PM
They have one cartridge.
I take that cartridge.
I give them that same cartridge five minutes later.
They give me a couple dollars in imaginary gamebucks.

Physically, their inventory is the same. Explain to me how I have managed to topple this mighty corporation with my Guy Fawkes Robin Hood antics.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: TEM on May 05, 2009, 03:31:18 PM
Yeah that's stealing. Like call the cops and get a court fine stealing.

EDIT: Attached MSPaint drawing for the legally-impaired.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Chupperson Weird on May 05, 2009, 05:10:20 PM
Glorb attempts to downplay the importance of the trade credit he just committed fraud to obtain, even though he obviously thinks it's important since he stole to obtain it. Jerk.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Turtlekid1 on May 05, 2009, 06:29:06 PM
Some men just want to watch the world burn.

Yes, Glorb.  I just compared you to the Joker.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Kojinka on May 05, 2009, 08:23:08 PM
I've only traded one game.  RE4 for Pikmin 2.  Still no regrets.  Don't get me wrong, RE4 was a great game, but I'm not really into survival horrors.  Pikmin 2's lighthearted atmosphere and exploration elements kept me busy longer.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: ShadowBrain on May 05, 2009, 10:14:24 PM
If Glorb started doing that now, considering how much GS is screwing people over on trade-ins, I don't think I'd care that much. As for the reality of the situation... well, that was wrong, but I'll cut him some slack for being younger back then.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Glorb on May 06, 2009, 01:29:03 PM
I honestly don't regret my actions. They didn't care enough about their catridges to protect them from heartless *******s like me, so in a way they kind of deserved to give me a five- to ten-dollar discount on my next purchase from their wonderful establishment. Besides, they'd get a good twenty bucks from the next schmo who bought SM64 used.

EDIT: Sweet, net myself a new custom title.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Luigison on May 06, 2009, 05:51:04 PM
If Glorb started doing that now, considering how much GS is screwing people over on trade-ins, I don't think I'd care that much. As for the reality of the situation... well, that was wrong, but I'll cut him some slack for being younger back then.
I'd cut him some slack if he was remorseful and wouldn't do it again, but he seems to still think that he did nothing wrong.

I honestly don't regret my actions. They didn't care enough about their catridges to protect them from heartless *******s like me, so in a way they kind of deserved to give me a five- to ten-dollar discount on my next purchase from their wonderful establishment. Besides, they'd get a good twenty bucks from the next schmo who bought SM64 used.

EDIT: Sweet, net myself a new custom title.
I shot and killed a man today and I honestly don't regret my actions.  He didn't care enough about his internal organs to protect them from heartless *******s like me, so in a way he kind of deserved to die. 

EDIT: Sweet, net myself a new mugshot.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Glorb on May 06, 2009, 05:56:53 PM
So a man's life to you is worth five bucks in store credit out of the pockets of a multi-billion dollar corporation? That's cold.

But seriously, this is about as victimless a crime as there can be. Don't start about how the guy who worked there could have lost his job or whatever either, since he works there to this day. I have never out-and-out stolen anything from a store since I was about five.

I'm sorry, but when you're as constantly strapped for cash as me, it's kind of hard to feel sorry for the big guy.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Toad on May 06, 2009, 05:59:38 PM
I shot a man just to watch him die.

Ironically, I miss a game that I've never owned: I think it's called Dead Rising. Isn't that the one about the zombies and the camera man in the mall..? I watched a friend play it, and since have thought about the game alot..
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Mr. Wiggles on May 06, 2009, 06:13:50 PM
If you're constantly strapped for cash, wouldn't it be smarter to just save your money instead of buying video games?

Really, if this was a case of life and death or you were basically trying to survive, most of us would probably let it slide. But this isn't the same thing so don't even bother trying to pull the sympathy card.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Luigison on May 06, 2009, 07:01:15 PM
So a man's life to you is worth five bucks in store credit out of the pockets of a multi-billion dollar corporation? That's cold.
One man's life in a nearly seven billion population.

Anyway, I think you missed my point or I made a bad analogy trying to make it to begin with.  The point I meant was that someone can rationalize any crime, but that doesn't make it alright. 
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Glorb on May 06, 2009, 07:24:35 PM
don't even bother trying to pull the sympathy card.


What sympathy card? I told an anecdote about how I commited an exceedingly minor crime and you guys are blowing it ridiculously out of proportion.

I think it's called Dead Rising. Isn't that the one about the zombies and the camera man in the mall..? I watched a friend play it, and since have thought about the game alot..

That game is awesome in a large number of ways. I highly recommend a purchase. OR STEALING IT LIKE GLORB HURR HURR
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Toad on May 06, 2009, 07:30:50 PM
I would purchase, but own no Xbox.. The two most current consoles that we own are PS2 and Wii.

I've there is a Wii version, but's it's not as good...?
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: missingno on May 06, 2009, 09:08:54 PM
I no longer sell my games, unless it's a double. I'm selling 20 Atari 2600 games on friday.

oh yeah I'm kinda back :P
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: ShadowBrain on May 06, 2009, 09:18:44 PM
I started reading the last few posts from the bottom up and got somewhat disturbed for a while.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Kojinka on May 06, 2009, 10:59:05 PM
sold at ridiculously high prices (eBay sellers love to do this).
I'm currently looking for OoT gold cart for my friend.  On eBay, the only things worse than sellers selling items at ridiculously high prices are sellers who set a reserve price, and bidders that up the bid by over 10 bucks, basically ruining it for frugal buyers such as myself.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Chupperson Weird on May 06, 2009, 11:33:19 PM
OoT gold carts aren't even rare. We get them all the time at work. $14.99
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Kojinka on May 06, 2009, 11:54:11 PM
I'm trying to get one for under 10 bucks, so my friend doesn't have to pay much back.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: ShadowBrain on May 07, 2009, 07:15:48 AM
My OoT copy is gray but I've got that cool gold Majora's Mask with the lenticular cartridge art.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Kojinka on May 07, 2009, 10:04:20 AM
I've never seen a gray MM cart, so I don't think they exist.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: TEM on May 07, 2009, 10:16:44 AM
Yeah same here. The gold cart with wacky sticker on it really stood out amongst other normal carts though.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Chupperson Weird on May 07, 2009, 10:40:55 AM
There are, however, non-lenticular versions of Majora's Mask.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Glorb on May 07, 2009, 11:39:31 AM
My MM had a standard sticker but I do have a gold OoT cart floating around somewhere in my house.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Kojinka on May 07, 2009, 11:52:52 AM
My MM cart has the cool three dimensional label
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: bullykoopa96 on May 07, 2009, 08:25:58 PM
I never trade my games in.  I think thats because I like to think I have a growing collection.

And Glorb rocks!
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: CrossEyed7 on May 07, 2009, 08:34:51 PM
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Kojinka on May 07, 2009, 09:37:57 PM
I'm thinking of trading my second copy of Metroid Prime (it's unopened, and it comes with the MP2 demo disc)  But Game Stop will deplete its value by taking the plastic wrapping off, and taking the discs out.  I'd rather ask my friend's mom to sell it on eBay.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Chupperson Weird on May 08, 2009, 09:04:00 AM
Deplete its value? It's worth about $10. Also, when resale stores buy your games, they are used. Once you bought it from the original store, it ceased to be new. Also, weird stuff happens, discs pop out, sometimes the wrong disc gets packaged in the box, so stores have to make sure the discs are right.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Glorb on May 08, 2009, 04:10:12 PM
Dude, eBay that shiznit. You will get so much more than at GameStop, regardless of what filthy lies Chup spews.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Chupperson Weird on May 08, 2009, 04:52:46 PM
No, I highly recommend eBaying it. Just sayin', it's only worth $10 and it's used.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Lizard Dude on May 09, 2009, 01:02:09 AM
"Used" is the wrong word. It's factory-sealed. True that it's now on the secondary market and no devs/publishers are getting money from sales, but the game is sure as heck less used than a GameStop "new" game.
Title: Re: The "I totally regret trading in that game" thread
Post by: Jman on May 10, 2009, 03:24:16 PM
I traded in Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games one time.  The big problem is both sell for big bucks at Gamestop.