Miscellaneous > Not at the Dinner Table

A White Student Union?

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Do you think a White Student Union can exist without being racist?

No, as it already excludes certain people based on race.


I don't even mean that sarcastically.

It's just a excuse to be proud of something that's completely arbitrary in the first place. So what if a guy with white skin invented the automobile? His skin had ****ing zilch to do with it so you're a ****ing retard for celebrating.

I could just as easily start an anti-white club because Adolf Hitler (who was white) committed mass genocide and I guarantee you Matthew Heimbach would throw a tantrum. I won't though because I-like anyone with more than two brain cells-know that Hitler's skin color had nothing to do with the atrocities he committed but rather the belief that skin color is actually important.

Unfortunately for some, my criticism can be extended to black student unions too. So I propose we just start celebrating humans-that's something we all are, fellas-who made great advances in their respective fields regardless of their [darn] skin color.


Rant over. To answer your question, the group is racist, insofar as it asserts that "race" is meaningful, which, according to most contemporary scientists, is a pseudoscientific proposition: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_racism

Racial Color-blindness: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/colorblind/201112/colorblind-ideology-is-form-racism


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