Miscellaneous > Not at the Dinner Table

Is killing a murderer wrong?

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High school students aren't responsible for overpopulation though. It's mostly developing nations where it's beneficial to have more children and access to birth control is nonexistence.

Also, teenagers are stupid because their brains aren't fully developed. Permanent solutions to temporary problems never work.

While teen pregnancy is always a concern, it is actually way down since we stopped putting lead in gasoline.  The movie Idiocracy is based on a flawed concept, but I think you see the point. 

I assume you're referring to the effect lead has on IQ? And that low IQ correlates with getting pregnant as a teen? Because I'm not sure what lead in gasoline has to do with teen pregnancy.

--- Quote from: Luigison on January 04, 2013, 05:32:44 PM ---The movie Idiocracy is based on a flawed concept, but I think you see the point.

--- End quote ---

True. IQ isn't really hereditary, although the chances that a child will become a stupid adult increase substantially if he or she is raised by stupid parents.


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