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Miscellaneous => General Chat => Topic started by: Super-Jesse on July 20, 2013, 05:28:15 AM

Title: The Legend of Stafy's Mom: A Link to the Past
Post by: Super-Jesse on July 20, 2013, 05:28:15 AM
Courtesy of our friend, Mr. Melee, let's relive a classic SJ moment...

<Super-Jesse> because i got a picture of my son with his very own wiimote on there
* PrezofClub is now known as PaperMario
<Super-Jesse> PM, you gotta register that name if you want it
<PaperMario> huh
* Starfy has joined #tmk
<PaperMario> how do i register? i'm just a lowly java user
<Super-Jesse> type /nickserv register [makeup a password] [type your email here] ( do that without the brackets)
<Starfy> hey guys
<Starfy> what's up
<Starfy> Oh cool, Super-Jesse is in here
<Starfy> dude, your blog posts are awesome
<Super-Jesse> uh, thanks
<Lizard_Dude> :)
<Starfy> np.
<Starfy> Oh man, LD, that video you made
<Starfy> it's hilarious
<Lizard_Dude> I like this guy
<Starfy> and good
<Starfy> but i hate that review of MSC
<BirdPerson> Hahahahaha...
<Starfy> it copied the one from nintendoworldrepert
<Starfy> dezer should fire that guy
<Lizard_Dude> MB just puts them on both
<Lizard_Dude> He is staff of both sites
<Super-Jesse> uh, you do know that MB writes on both sites, right?
<Starfy> no he doesnt
<PaperMario> where do i type that stuff, Jesse?
<Starfy> ones writeen by my friend aaron
<Starfy> the other by the megabite
<BirdPerson> PM: Everywhere
<BirdPerson> I'd say something now, but this is actually pretty funny.
<PaperMario> done
<Starfy> neway
<Starfy> so what does dezer do on the site?
<Lizard_Dude> You know Aaron?
<Lizard_Dude> like in RL?
<Starfy> I always see he steals SuperJessie's news post
<Starfy> ya dude
<PaperMario> whos dezer?
* n-fani has joined #tmk
* Mushroom_Boy sets mode: +h n-fani
<Starfy> he's like totally a loser
<BirdPerson> wheres dezzer
<Lizard_Dude> rofl
<Lizard_Dude> Tell me more
<Starfy> did you know about his wii?
<PaperMario> i only know deezer and dezzer, but no dezer. is he nice?
<Starfy> he like broke it on purpose
<Starfy> ya dud dezer
<Starfy> the owner of this site, hellloooo?
<Super-Jesse> it's deezer dude
<Super-Jesse> and he doesn't steal my posts
<PaperMario> dezer???
<BirdPerson> I'd say something now, but this is actually pretty hilarious.
<Super-Jesse> I just can't post on the main site, but I do the other stuff
<Starfy> oh i c
<Lizard_Dude> Do you play Wii with Aaron?
<Starfy> he plays with his Wii i just watch
<Super-Jesse> ...
<PaperMario> haha
<Starfy> wit?
<Starfy> wut?
<Lizard_Dude> Tell us embarrasing stories of Aaron
<Starfy> k
<Starfy> leme think
<Super-Jesse> how long have you been visiting TMK Stafy?
<PaperMario> and dont say "k"
<Starfy> it's STARFY dude
<Super-Jesse> oh sorry
<PaperMario> you should be
<Starfy> its ok
<Starfy> ur cool anyway
<Lizard_Dude> shh, I want stories
<Starfy> hey dont tell SJ stuff, hes cool, just like LD and dezer
<Starfy> anyway, ya, stroy
<Starfy> ok, so one time, Mb was playing with wiiplay, and he totally dropped his wiimote in his coffee
<Starfy> and i was lik, LOL! dude, no way
<Lizard_Dude> Hahaha
<Starfy> so i bought him a new wii remote since it was my coffe
<BirdPerson> In his Java?
<Starfy> no, it was like starbuks
* Ronald has joined #tmk
<Lizard_Dude> It broke the wiimote?
<Ronald> Whoa. Looks like I got here in the middle of a story.
<Starfy> dud ya
<Starfy> and MB was all mad 2
<Starfy> but i tld him don't sweat it
<Starfy> hes such a baby sometimes
<PaperMario> lol
<Super-Jesse> wait wait wait
<Ronald> MB? MEGA撺TE?
<Super-Jesse> you said earlier you didnt know MB and aaron were the same
<Super-Jesse> now your saying MB is aaron?
<Ronald> You know MEGA撺TE?
<Starfy> well u guys claim it
<Starfy> ya dude
<Starfy> man, ur so late
<Ronald> Well big deal, I know the alt codes for his name.
<Starfy> he lives in calif, like next door to me
<Ronald> So heh.
<BirdPerson> I'm Californian.
<Starfy> anyway, so i guess Aaron is MB
<BirdPerson> It sucks.
<Starfy> he never told me
<Starfy> naw dude calif rox
<WarpRattler> I'm Californian, but it doesn't suck.
<Starfy> i mean, all the hawt chicks
<BirdPerson> Nooooooooo it doesn't.
<Starfy> imagine living someplace like TEXAS
<BirdPerson> Yeah, all the chicks out here are hot.
<Starfy> that place stinks, it's always so hawt there
<Super-Jesse> hey, watch it buddy
<Super-Jesse> i live in texas
<BirdPerson> Everyone's hot--it't 100 freaking degrees, daily.
<Super-Jesse> did you even read my profile?
<Starfy> no...
<Starfy> wait, let me go now
<Ronald> And, oh! It's BirdPerson!
<BirdPerson> ...Yes?
<Ronald> I see your posts in the FF.
<Starfy> k
<Starfy> i c texas
<Starfy> neway
<Starfy> birdperon, ur on the fungee forums, right?
<Ronald> I love your love for proper grammar.
<BirdPerson> Starfy: Yes. Ronald: Uh, thanks.
<BirdPerson> Who are you?
<Ronald> Just some lurker.
<Starfy> dude, i dont have an email
<Starfy> so i cant register
<BirdPerson> ...
<Super-Jesse> you dont have an email?
<BirdPerson> What kind of Internet user doesn't have an e-mail address?
<BirdPerson> Is that POSSIBLE?
<Starfy> im mom said no little steve no email
<Starfy> so i cant
<Ronald> Get Gmail.
<Starfy> but she lets me com on her
<WarpRattler> You're mom? Whose mom are you?
<BirdPerson> Errrr...
<BirdPerson> Instant-message mom, perhaps?
<Ronald> Heh.
<Ronald> I neeeeed sleeeeeep.
<Starfy> baby
<Starfy> only babies sleep
<Super-Jesse> i wish mine did
* Ronald has quit IRC (Quit: Did somebody say "McRonald's?" )
<Starfy> ?!
<Super-Jesse> said you read my blog posts, right?
<Starfy> sorry dud, sometimes they suck
<BirdPerson> Man.
<BirdPerson> Weirdos.
<Starfy> like the one about the mario moviw
<Super-Jesse> uh, what?
<Starfy> ya dud
<Starfy> the one about the guy not wanting to paly him
<BirdPerson> Is your keyboard totally broken, or what?
<Super-Jesse> OH, i see
<Super-Jesse> no, that was done by your friend
<Starfy> LOL! No burdpersn i just type relz fast
<Starfy> so i dnt spell rite all teh time
<PaperMario> annoying
<BirdPerson> Exaggeration.
<Super-Jesse> Think he's doing it on purpose?
<WarpRattler> "burdpersn"
<BirdPerson> Think y'are, yeah...
<PaperMario> honestly, i do
<BirdPerson> I mean, he is, yeah.
<Starfy> watevr, you all are just jealous
<BirdPerson> Of?
<Starfy> Fine, I'll type like this, see how gud i am?
<BirdPerson> Oh, M�
<Starfy> wat?
<BirdPerson> MB?
<Starfy> whos dat?
<BirdPerson> Aaron.
<Super-Jesse> dude, aaron, c'mon
<Starfy> OH! A-rod
<Starfy> ya
<Starfy> i call gim arod
<PaperMario> no, it's BM with the letters switched
<Starfy> because once he was playing wiitennis and he made a player nnamed rod and i was like "DUD, UR AROD!"
<BirdPerson> A rod? Old, good, or super?
<WarpRattler> If you really know Aaron, what kind of Internet service does he have?
<Starfy> ..i dnt get u burdperso
* BirdPerson is now known as burdperso
<Starfy> cumcast i think
<Super-Jesse> what?!
<Starfy> what?
<WarpRattler> Wow, maybe he's telling the truth.
<burdperso> >_<
<Super-Jesse> wait, what did he just say?
<burdperso> cumcast, eh?
<Starfy> neway
* burdperso is now known as BirdPerson
<Starfy> burdperona why is your little under ur nam in ur forums "siney piudey"?
<BirdPerson> You set it that way, remember?
<BirdPerson> I mean, uh, SJ did.
<BirdPerson> Sorry, the S's, I got confused.
<Starfy> who?
<BirdPerson> At a glance, you know.
<Super-Jesse> Me
<Super-Jesse> I made it that
<Starfy> y?
<Starfy> wait
<PaperMario> SJ has yet to give me a CT
<BirdPerson> It's totally irrelevant and all.
<PaperMario> not fair,man
<Super-Jesse> i shall
<Super-Jesse> what's ur UN?
<Super-Jesse> PaperMario :P?
<Starfy> waz a ct?
<Starfy> conneticut
<Starfy> ?
<Starfy> LOL
<PaperMario> of course
<Super-Jesse> k, lemme think bout it
<Starfy> guys gotta go back 2 skoll next week
<Starfy> that sux dont it?
<BirdPerson> Nope.
<BirdPerson> Pick up an English book when you're there. ;D
<PaperMario> not for me
<PaperMario> but for you
<Starfy> wateve bidoerson
<WarpRattler> Bydo, you say?
<Starfy> man y is every1 so mean
<SolidShroom> im fyne i dun hav skool til agust 27
<Starfy> excepy SuperJesse
<BirdPerson> Man... have you yet spelled my username right?
<BirdPerson> Even once?
<Super-Jesse> yet he gets mine perfectly
<WarpRattler> I'm the wrong ship to use the wave cannon...
<BirdPerson> I'm not mean, just critical.
<BirdPerson> And super effective.
<BirdPerson> So you die immediately.
<PaperMario> we're mean because we believe in the exploitation of the stupid
<Starfy> wat w/ the pokman jokes?
<BirdPerson> I don't know, been playing a lot lately.
<Starfy> lay off budperson its not even funny
<SolidShroom> we lyke mudkips
<Starfy> LOL!
<PaperMario> LOL
<WarpRattler> Mudkips rule.
<BirdPerson> C'mon, I think you're hilarious.
<Starfy> that shld be bideperns little undernma
<Starfy> e
<PaperMario> bidoof is terrible
<Super-Jesse> undername?
<Super-Jesse> Oh, CT
<Starfy> CT?
<Starfy> whaever
<Starfy> neway
<Starfy> so u guys lik mario?
<SolidShroom> no
<Starfy> did u get stuckers yet?
<BirdPerson> Nope.
<SolidShroom> we h8 him
<Super-Jesse> I like Mario, and I got strikers, you got it?
<Starfy> ya
<Starfy> wnt my friend code?
<BirdPerson> Stuckers haha
<Starfy> its 4098243803248954908906483
<BirdPerson> You're trying too hard.
<Super-Jesse> cool, i'll add it
<Super-Jesse> wait, thats too many numbers
<Starfy> thats wut ur mom said last night burdperson
<Starfy> LOL!
<BirdPerson> What would happen if in a strange twist of oddness you added yourself, thinking it was somebody else?
<Super-Jesse> I dunno
<Super-Jesse> alright dude, lay off of BP, he's cool
* PaperMario has quit IRC (Quit: Ciao! )
<BirdPerson> I've said, he's hilarious!
<Starfy> so ya, struckers is awesome
* PaperMario has joined #tmk
<Super-Jesse> Hvae you gotten to diddy kong yet?
<Super-Jesse> Have*
<Starfy> dud, i already BEAT it
<Starfy> I beat it for aaron realz
<Starfy> he said he wii was broke
<PaperMario> dud?
<Starfy> so i took it and beat it
<Starfy> ya dude
<Starfy> sorry
<Super-Jesse> oh, so you must know MB
<Super-Jesse> since you know about his wii being broken
<Starfy> MB?
<Starfy> oh aaron
<Starfy> ya
<BirdPerson> Or you could have access to that secret chatroom of theirs.
<BirdPerson> But only staff know that.
<Starfy> WHAT?!
<Starfy> sercet
<Starfy> that reminds me
<Starfy> wats the sercret page guys?
<BirdPerson> It's secret. I don't know it exists.
<Super-Jesse> i'd tell you, but i'd have to kill you
<PaperMario> u should know if MB is your friend
<BirdPerson> I'm sure Super-Jesse can tell you.
<Starfy> he wouldnt tell me
<BirdPerson> Telepathically or something.
<Super-Jesse> I don't even know what it is BP
<Super-Jesse> honestly
<BirdPerson> Wha-?
<Starfy> well, is it minus world?
<BirdPerson> Man, that's lame.
<SolidShroom> The secret page is in DUMBLEDORE'S GRAVE
<Starfy> is it tmknet/minuswworld
<Starfy> thats it
<Starfy> COOL
<Starfy> wat? no..
<Starfy> main, ill never gind it
<BirdPerson> I figured it out after severe hints from SolidShroom.
<Starfy> thought u all wuld know
<Starfy> oh wait
<Starfy> solidsnake?
<Starfy> oh shroom
<Starfy> nvm
<WarpRattler> It's combat amphibians.
<Starfy> i was lik thats my other friend from
<SolidShroom> Solid Snake?
<Starfy> no dud
<Starfy> solidsnake
<SolidShroom> Oh
<Starfy> its fr mgg
<Starfy> i pwn that site
<SolidShroom> Okay
<Starfy> i set it up on geocitez
<BirdPerson> I own a couple of sites myself.
<Starfy> really? i bet they all sux
<Starfy> LOL
<PaperMario> give me a hint solidshroom
<BirdPerson> Hahahahaha
<BirdPerson> You're funny man
<PaperMario> LOLZ ur so awesome and funny!
<PaperMario> u so fit in, starfy!
<Starfy> thanks pariomario
<Starfy> dud, u play superpariomario?
<Super-Jesse> My room is so messy...
<PaperMario> there's no such game
<Starfy> ya dude
<Starfy> for wii
<Starfy> supermariopaper
<Starfy> duh
<Starfy> id think ur'd knew
<BirdPerson> Oh right, you've been around since David said that
<Starfy> ya
<Starfy> he gave that name
<Starfy> i was like nintendo spell it wrung
<Starfy> david's never wrong
<Starfy> no one on the site is
<Starfy> except that chup guy
<BirdPerson> Heh heh heh heh
<BirdPerson> Especially Mr. Face
<BirdPerson> Yeah, Chup's wrong about everything.
<SolidShroom> If no one on the site is ever wrong
<SolidShroom> That means Lizard Dude right about more than everything
<Starfy> he luks like a gurl
<BirdPerson> So does Sapphira, what's up with that?
<Starfy> i tld ma friends @ scool that his name should be chupette
<Starfy> i wanna marry her
<Super-Jesse> What?
<PaperMario> uhh...
<Starfy> ya why? got a problem?
<Super-Jesse> uh, no...just pretty weird....
<Starfy> no its not
<BirdPerson> Why don't I just shut up and watch quietly...
<Starfy> ur just like my burther
<PaperMario> this'll be my new sig
<PaperMario> it just reeks of awesome
<Starfy> hes aways lik "stevie u cant like fake gurls" and im like "SAPH IS REALZ DUD LUK" and hes like "no shes a drawing on the site" and i go NUH-HUH
<Super-Jesse> so your name is steve?
<Starfy> DUDE YA!
<Starfy> how'd u know?
<Super-Jesse> Uh...I took a guess...
<SolidShroom> I can see Sapph in this conversation going >_<
<Super-Jesse> Yeah, is she in here?
<BirdPerson> I'm mostly XDing, myself.
<Super-Jesse> oh yeah she is
<SolidShroom> Away
<SolidShroom> Idling
<Starfy> and ive been typing all wrong
<Starfy> i probaly look like a LOSER now
<Starfy> oh well
<Starfy> this is me
<Starfy> she has gotta lik me 4 me
<PaperMario> maybe shes...flattered?.....or not
<Starfy> wat does she work on the site?
<Super-Jesse> Um, I think she does the artwork
<Starfy> oh
<Starfy> thats boring
<Starfy> she should do the blog
<Starfy> u should do art jessie
<BirdPerson> More than what LD does, heh.
<PaperMario> please leave
<Super-Jesse> it's JESSE
<Super-Jesse> firstly
<Super-Jesse> and secondly
<Super-Jesse> why?
<SolidShroom> LD is so awesome
<Starfy> cuz ur so much more awesome
<SolidShroom> And so is SJ
<Starfy> ya
<Starfy> and dezer
<Starfy> and aaron
<Starfy> but not chupette
<Starfy> LOL1
<BirdPerson> We need a Super-Jesse fan club
<PaperMario> who is dezer?????
<SolidShroom> dezer: the new dezzer?
<BirdPerson> I'll be president.
<SolidShroom> And I'll write a song about impeaching you.
<Super-Jesse> Haha, yeah a fan club for me
<Super-Jesse> that's be awesome
<Starfy> oh sorri
<Starfy> i was in the rr
<Starfy> duds, dezer is the ownor of mushrom kindum
<Starfy> c'mon
<Starfy> u know dat
* Br26 has joined #tmk
<SolidShroom> What are you talking about?
<Starfy> so neway
<Starfy> ya
* Br26 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving )
<Starfy> dud dezer
<Starfy> nvm
<SolidShroom> Gurepito is.
<Starfy> u dnt know
<Starfy> who
<SolidShroom> Deezer just took it from him.
<SolidShroom> And then chained him up.
<SolidShroom> To feed him bread.
<Super-Jesse> Where had Deezer been all day anyway?
<Super-Jesse> I wonder...
<BirdPerson> Away.
<Starfy> DUd whats ur alls real name?
<Starfy> mines steve
<Starfy> dnt tell my mom i told u
<SolidShroom> I can't tell you. I'd have to kill everyone.
<Starfy> she says steve dont be telling peopl ur name online they will rape you
<Starfy> andi sya no mum im a man they cant
<Super-Jesse> ..Your mom and you have a very open relationship
<SolidShroom> there are a LOT of Steves in the world.
<PaperMario> gross
<Starfy> dats my pointe
<WarpRattler> We even have an Insane Steve here.
<BirdPerson> We need a normal Steve.
<Starfy> aw thats why i couldnt use that name
<Starfy> i b him
<Super-Jesse> I actually like starfy better
<BirdPerson> We need a  normal  Steve.
<Starfy> gud, i like stafy too
<PaperMario> is this an elaborate joke i'm not getting?
<Starfy> i mean starfy
<Super-Jesse> Okay guys, im heading to bed
<Super-Jesse> night night
<Super-Jesse> Oh and PM i'll give you a CT tomorrow
<SolidShroom> night
* Super-Jesse is now known as SJ|Z_Z
<Starfy> Bi my friend!
<WarpRattler> 'Night...STARFY!
<Starfy> man that jessie is awesome
<Starfy> im not leving
<Starfy> im still here
<Starfy> LOL
<BirdPerson> Ruined.
<Starfy> wat?
<Starfy> dude runscape
<Starfy> neway play that?
<BirdPerson> You know.
<BirdPerson> The Twin Towers.
<BirdPerson> They're ruined.
<Starfy> forget that
<Starfy> its so old
<Starfy> i was like 10 when it happens
<Starfy> and i was wathing pokemans
<BirdPerson> Oh, did I say the Twin Towers?
<Starfy> they interuppted my POKEMANs for that?!
<Starfy> i was so mad
<BirdPerson> I meant the old Wal-Mart in my town.
<SolidShroom> Oh man
<SolidShroom> Runescape
<Starfy> i luv that game
<Starfy> but its for NERDS
<SolidShroom> I was like 12 when I played it.
<WarpRattler> RUN AND ESCAPE!
<Starfy> and LOSERS
<Starfy> i bet chupette plays that
<Starfy> hes prob on ther all night
<WarpRattler> Hey, don't lump us nerds in with the Runescape-playing losers.
<Starfy> and it lik "IM COOL"
<SolidShroom> How dare you insult Nerds and Losers like that.
<Starfy> i can do watever i want
<Starfy> jk guys
<Starfy> i cant
<Starfy> my mom saus im being too mean
<Starfy> she wants to know u alls names
<Starfy> Hi, this is Steven's mother
<PaperMario> is she hot?
<WarpRattler> My name is Heavy Lobster.
<Starfy> I need to you know all your names, now
<BirdPerson> I'm Max Vance.
<Starfy> He shared his, and I want to make sure no one on here is going to harm him
<Starfy> Okay, thank you Mr. Vance
<Starfy> Look, I will report you to the police
<Starfy> I need everyone's name, now.
<BirdPerson> Hey, c'mon.
<WarpRattler> No, wait. My real name is Sam Sammerson Laser.
<BirdPerson> A few ROMs. I didn't kill anyone.
<PaperMario> i'll go to the ends of the earth to remove your son from your grasp
<Starfy> Okay, look, your parents may have not raised you right, but I'm doing my best to protect my boy
<BirdPerson> Shut up lady
<PaperMario> Ms. Starfy, are you hot?
<WarpRattler> No, PaperMario means adoption.
<SolidShroom> hahaha we're not going to kill him. Honestly we don't care.
<BirdPerson> My parents make you look PATHETIC
<Starfy> That's not a proper question
<Starfy> What? Mr. Vance, I thought you were the only good one here
<BirdPerson> Sizzle.
<PaperMario> haha
<BirdPerson> Oh. You didn't specify whose parents didn't raise who correctly.
<Starfy> Don't tell me anything, how old are you all? 12? I can't believe your parents gave you a computer
<BirdPerson> whom*
<BirdPerson> 15.
<PaperMario> your son cant spell
<BirdPerson> I've had my own computer since about 11...
<WarpRattler> Unless you can take driver's ed at twelve, I think not...
<Starfy> I bet you all even buy those Mature games. Well, my son doesn;t, just the other day he walked into Best Buy and he wanted to get a Mario game, but it was rated T so I told him NO Steven
<Starfy> and He listened
<BirdPerson> I miss that old 3-D maze screensaver.
<Starfy> My son can spell however he wants
<Starfy> This is NOT school
<Starfy> He has to start school next week, so I allowed him to come here
<BirdPerson> This...
<Starfy> What?
<PaperMario> This...
<Starfy> You stupid kids and your 300
<BirdPerson> Want a mushroom?
<Starfy> Look, I need named
<SolidShroom> Hahahaha wow
<PaperMario> IS SPARTA!
<Starfy> I already called 911
<Starfy> They want me to get everyone's name
<Starfy> and IP
<BirdPerson> The police don't arrest pirates.
<SolidShroom> Wahahaha
<Starfy> I don't know what that IP is
<PaperMario> as if
<SolidShroom> What did we do?
<BirdPerson> Especially not 15-year-old ones.
<Starfy> so I need someone to help me
<SolidShroom> Okay ma'am
<Starfy> You all violated my right to know your name
<SolidShroom> To find out our IPs
<WarpRattler> You want my IP?
<SolidShroom> You have to say
<BirdPerson> I can help you arrest me, really quickly.
<Starfy> Look, my husband is a computer programmer at Dell
<SolidShroom> /part SolidShroom
<BirdPerson> WHAT THE DELL
<Starfy> he can probably buy all your computers and tell me your names
<BirdPerson> Compaq.
<Starfy> Don't lie
<WarpRattler> Compaq.
<Starfy> I know that an IP isn't a number
<Starfy> It's like a internet protector
<Starfy> I don't know
<BirdPerson> IP stands for Internet Pornography. I'm never involved.
<Starfy> What?!
<Starfy> Look, give me your names
<BirdPerson> Warp can give you IP though.
<Starfy> and I will leave
<BirdPerson> Max Vance!
<Starfy> Thank you, I know your Mr. Vance
<Starfy> what I need everyone's name
<WarpRattler> I already told you mine. I'm Sam S. Laser.
<BirdPerson> Chup's name is, really, Chupperson Weird.
<Starfy> Some are obvious, like Mario, but the rest aren;t
<BirdPerson> Deezer is Deezer W. That's all.
<Starfy> I have all those
<BirdPerson> LD is Matt Warioerson.
<Starfy> I already emailed your little site's owner.
<SolidShroom> My name is Albert Cohol
<WarpRattler> SolidShroom is C. Ombat Amphibian.
<SolidShroom> Call me al for short.
<BirdPerson> Mushroom Boy is Jordan Shroomy.
<Starfy> This isn't funny
<BirdPerson> Sapphira is Julia Roberts.
<SolidShroom> No, I disagree
<BirdPerson> I'm giving them all to you.
<SolidShroom> This is really funny
<BirdPerson> If I don't type quiockly enough for you, leave.
<Starfy> Now tell me your names
<WarpRattler> Fine, we won't tell you our names.
<BirdPerson> n-fani is Fynn Lander
<n-fani> Right
<BirdPerson> Suffix is Ian Ing
<Starfy> I said to be quiet
<Starfy> Now listen
<BirdPerson> Make me, granny.
<Starfy> where are your parents?
<BirdPerson> In a room down a hall, and... Nevada?
<Starfy> Well, they should be watching how you talk to people
<WarpRattler> My mom just left for work.
<SolidShroom> Mine too
<BirdPerson> With the highest respect to grannies.
<BirdPerson> They know how I am.
<WarpRattler> And my dad gets home from work in a few hours.
<Starfy> Your parents leave you at the computer?
<Starfy> I can't believe that
<Starfy> What bad parents
<BirdPerson> Super-Jesse is Nott Awaik
<SolidShroom> Hahaha
<SolidShroom> HAHAHA
<Starfy> I watch my Steven all the time
<SolidShroom> Really
<SolidShroom> If you don't like us
<BirdPerson> Floyd is Floyd Barber.
<SolidShroom> Why don't you just leave
<Starfy> Because I NEED NAMES
<Starfy> NOW
<SolidShroom> WHY?
<Starfy> No more games
<Starfy> The cops needs your names
<Starfy> I already called them
<BirdPerson> Lakitu7 is Adorkznett Ahperater
<Starfy> Those aren't real names
<Starfy> Look, I need everyone to email me your IDs
<BirdPerson> Uhhh, yes they are.
* Br26 has joined #tmk
<BirdPerson> Lakitu7 is Swiss.
<PaperMario> My name is Daniel Cook
<Starfy> my email is
<Starfy> so email me them
<SolidShroom> Br56 please help
<Starfy> I need them all
<SolidShroom> br26*
<Starfy> No, NO MORE NAMES
<Br26> zuh
<Starfy> Just your IDs
* PaperMario e-mails pr0n
<BirdPerson> 1337.
<Starfy> and your Social Security cards please
<n-fani> I thought he didn't have an e-mail
<WarpRattler> Br26 is P. Ing Timote.
<BirdPerson> 'Cause we all have those.
<SolidShroom> I don't have one
<SolidShroom> I'm an illegal immigrant.
<Starfy> You don't have an email?
<Starfy> Good, maybe your parents did something right
<Starfy> I don't let my son have one
<Starfy> They only lead to trouble
<SolidShroom> IRC is way worse than an email.
<Starfy> What?
<Starfy> You all talking your nerd talk now?
<BirdPerson> Max|Death is Stocker somthing.
<Starfy> Look, don't expose my son to that
<SolidShroom> IRC
<Starfy> Just talk like normal people
<SolidShroom> YOU'RE ON IT NOW
<Starfy> I'm on what?!
<Starfy> No sir, I do NOT do drugs!
<BirdPerson> Duuuuude
<BirdPerson> Solid
<BirdPerson> Pass the IRC
<Starfy> Don't make up things, why must you kids always make up things
<SolidShroom> WHAT
<BirdPerson> Oh man that's goooooood
<Starfy> See, this is what I get
<SolidShroom> I'm not making up anything
<Starfy> Look, I need to go to work in 3 hours
<Starfy> So I need IDS ASAP
<BirdPerson> Way to teach values
<Starfy> whose in charge here?
<Starfy> I need the name of the person in charge
<BirdPerson> "Early to bed, early to rise, son"
<SolidShroom> Deezer
<SolidShroom> Chupperson
<Starfy> and I need them to be in here now
<SolidShroom> Lizard_Dude
<SolidShroom> Sapphira
<BirdPerson> What kind of business hired you, lady?
<Starfy> What do these plus and a signs mean?
<Starfy> I don't understand this
<BirdPerson> A line of beggars outside of 7-11?
<BirdPerson> You could be CEO in an instant
<Starfy> Look sir, I don't need to tell you anything
<BirdPerson> Your sone, vice president.
<Starfy> I need your ids
<BirdPerson> -e
<WarpRattler> The @ signs mean that they have slaves. The + signs mean that they're spellcasters. The % signs mean that they carry stairs around.
<Starfy> What?!
<BirdPerson> My ID is 1337.
<Starfy> IS THIS some sort of CULT?!
<Starfy> THIS IS!
<Starfy> I knew it
<SolidShroom> Okay
<BirdPerson> Yeah
<Starfy> I told Steven it was
<Starfy> that's it
<BirdPerson> We're happy-happyists
<Starfy> Okay, I need everyone's names now
<WarpRattler> HAPPY HAPPY!
<SolidShroom> We all worship Stan and drink cow blood
<Starfy> I'm calling my uncle at the FBI
<BirdPerson> We paint things blue under Mr. Carpatiner's command.
<Starfy> there some letters for you nerds
<Starfy> FBI
<BirdPerson> Carpainter*
<Starfy> they will ban your IRC for good
<Starfy> Just like they should all these Mature games
<BirdPerson> !teleport Starfy's mother
<Mushroom_Boy> The Mushroom Teleporter sends Starfy's mother to McDonald's
<Starfy> I HAT those
<WarpRattler> Holy crap, I'm scared.
<BirdPerson> Stay there
<Starfy> hate^
<Starfy> What is that?
<Starfy> Some sort of spell?
<Starfy> You can't play that in REAL life
<BirdPerson> Muschokoloauho
<Starfy> when will you losers realize all this Mario, all this Nintendo is FAKE. GET A LIFE!
<WarpRattler> FIRAJA!
<BirdPerson> Yehelomonolulzo
<Starfy> Stop that!
<SolidShroom> If the FBI leaves /b/ alone then they don't care about this. Yes, I know I broke Rule #1 and #2
<WarpRattler> DEMIJA!
* BirdPerson is reciting an angry mother-killing incantation
<Starfy> WHAT?!
<WarpRattler> BLIZZAJA!
<Starfy> Oh, I see
<BirdPerson> Lulzalulzavanexplode
<Starfy> Look, I need the name of someone who's here right now who is in charge
<Starfy> Will someone get me the perosn in charge NOW!
<BirdPerson> I'm in charge.
<Starfy> Okay then
<SolidShroom> n-fani
<BirdPerson> The voices all are.
<Starfy> What?
<Starfy> voices?
<BirdPerson> That's us with the +'s
<SolidShroom> Is the highest ranked in charge.
<Starfy> Okay
<SolidShroom> Awake
<SolidShroom> consult n-fani
<Starfy> So you and this...SJ person..Who's that
<Starfy> I need to know that person's name
<SolidShroom> He's asleep
<Starfy> I need everyone's name
<BirdPerson> Solid, n-fani was demoted to halfop.
<Starfy> No he's not, stop protecting your nerd people
<SolidShroom> But he's higher than a voice
<BirdPerson> I'm voiced and SJ's asleep.
<SolidShroom> oh yeah
<Starfy> Okay, well, Im done talking to you
<BirdPerson> Sssh!!!
<SolidShroom> Everyone's at the computer
<n-fani> BirdPerson, I've never been an op
<BirdPerson> You're LOUD!
<Starfy> So someone better get me this SJ or else
<n-fani> So I was never demoted
<BirdPerson> Man, way to ruin it.
<Starfy> Look, I need these other names too
<BirdPerson> SJ is Mr. Carpainter.
<Starfy> I can't believe this is to hard for you kids to understand
<Starfy> What?
<Starfy> No, stop with the fake names already
<BirdPerson> The one who instructs us to paint things blue.
<BirdPerson> ...
<BirdPerson> You think I'm lying to you?
<Starfy> I said I NEED IDS
<BirdPerson> Look into my eyes.
<Starfy> I don't care anymore
<BirdPerson> ._.
<Starfy> I need names
<Starfy> all of you
<BirdPerson> Do I look like a liar?
<n-fani> My ID is in my wallet
<Starfy> get it out, and scan it
<Starfy> You nerds should know how to do that
<n-fani> Make me
<BirdPerson> A bear ate my wallet.
<Starfy> I already called the cops
<n-fani> Oh no, cops
<BirdPerson> California is dangerous.
<SolidShroom> Lady, I'm gonna urinate on myself because you're so funny.
<Starfy> What?!
<Starfy> How...disgusting
<SolidShroom> BRB
<Starfy> Look, let's make a deal
<BirdPerson> Lady. People excrete.
<Starfy> I'll let my son back on
<BirdPerson> What, have you advanced beyond the need?
<Starfy> but I need everyone's name first
<Starfy> he's bugging me to get back on
<Starfy> Please, just tell me names
<Starfy> Hold On, the cops just got here
<BirdPerson> I'd kill you if I were your kid.
<Starfy> Wait until I come back
<Starfy> when they read that
<BirdPerson> I might kill you for the heck of it! I've tracked your location.
<Starfy> they'll arrest you
<BirdPerson> I'll kill the cops too.
<Lizard_Dude> My name is Seymoure
<BirdPerson> I know all sorts of battle techniques.
<WarpRattler> BirdPerson and I are both masters of PSI techniques.
<BirdPerson> And, when you're all dead, I'll burn your son alive! ^_^
<SolidShroom> Lizard_Dude: Seymoure Butts?
<Starfy> dud, just give my mom ur names
<WarpRattler> Actually, I think it's spell "Butz," Solid.
<Starfy> please, i want to chil w/ u
<SolidShroom> I said it
<Starfy> shes downstaifs wit the cops
<SolidShroom> My name is Frnak
<SolidShroom> Frank
<Starfy> k good
<BirdPerson> Sorry Starfy.
<SolidShroom> How will you benefit
<Starfy> thx dude
<SolidShroom> There are a lot of Franks
<BirdPerson> I made a promise, I have to burn you alive.
<SolidShroom> in the world.
<Starfy> no, ill mak up names
<Starfy> hold on
<Starfy> im gonna go tell her u gave me ur names
<BirdPerson> I'm really sorry. I only wanted to kill your witch of a mother, but I have to burn you. There's no way around it.
<SolidShroom> I see something wrong here
<PaperMario> can i be mario mario?
<SolidShroom> Starfy is a MGS fan
<SolidShroom> But that's rated M
<BirdPerson> I'm on my IRC-enabled watch right now.
<BirdPerson> I'm very close to the house...
<BirdPerson> Aw snap, should've brought my camera.
<Starfy> k i think it wrok guys
<BirdPerson> SolidShroom, make an OBJECTION!
<Starfy> i make a list
<BirdPerson> Got it. This is the place.
<Starfy> and she gave it to the cops
<Starfy> so i think im gud now
<Starfy> og man shes coming back
<PaperMario> is your mom hot
<Starfy> ioashag
<BirdPerson> This won't be hard... I'll go in, kill the cops and evil lady, then burn Starfy.
<Starfy> Okay look people
<Starfy> I can't believe you all won't give me your names
<Starfy> But my son was nice enough to give me your names
<PaperMario> these are our real names
<SolidShroom> Lady
<SolidShroom> Look
<Starfy> so I apologize for being so rude
<SolidShroom> I must make an objection
<PaperMario> why else would we use these handles?
<Starfy> I gave them to the cops, and they said they will be notifying your parents
<Starfy> so Mr. Garcia, I'm sorry
<Starfy> And let me make sure this list is right
<SolidShroom> Your kid has no M rated games, yet he claims to be fan of Metal Gear Solid, an M rated game.
<Starfy> Okay, which one is Ike Myers?
<Starfy> Which one is Gilbert Gotfied?
<Lizard_Dude> me
<Lizard_Dude> er
<Lizard_Dude>  ME
<Starfy> Ok
<Starfy> thank you
<Starfy> and...
<Lizard_Dude>  YOU'RE WELCOME
<Starfy> Frank Uvla?
<SolidShroom> Me
<Starfy> Okay then thank you
<Starfy> Let me see what else
<BirdPerson> You're taking looooooooooong, lady. Get it over with so I can kill you with PK Thunder.
<Starfy> Well, I'm sorry Mr. Vance my son is a bit more important than you
<Starfy> he just had an accident
<Starfy> And I cannot do two things at once
<Starfy> I just cannot!
<BirdPerson> Oh suuuuuure
<BirdPerson> He won't be, after I've burned him alive.
<Starfy> I'm done with everyone
<BirdPerson> You can die and scream simultaneously.
<Starfy> I already got ur names
<Starfy> I don't need anything else
<Starfy> My son and I must leave for work now
<Starfy> So good day SIRS
<BirdPerson> I'm a madam
<Starfy> k guys bye
<Starfy> im sorry about my mom
<BirdPerson> Max is short for Maximina
<Starfy> My son has nothing to be sorry about
<Starfy> You ALL are TRASH!
* Starfy has quit IRC (Quit: Ciao! )
<SolidShroom> SJ
<SolidShroom> Wow
<SolidShroom> You're amazing
<SolidShroom> I've never seen such an awesome act.
<SolidShroom> I was fooled.
<WarpRattler> Man, I was going to try to get a CT out of this.
<BirdPerson> That was entertaining role-playing, if anything ever was.
<SJ|Z_Z> Bp was ruining it for everyone
* SJ|Z_Z is now known as Super-Jesse
<BirdPerson> Only in the beginning.
<Super-Jesse> with his innuendos
<PaperMario> i was fooled for a while
<BirdPerson> What?
<Super-Jesse> Good, well, that was fun
<Super-Jesse> I dunno what started it
<PaperMario> till warprattler told me the truth
<SolidShroom> I had a feeling that was a fake.
<Super-Jesse> lol, see, I wish no one told anyone
<Super-Jesse> it was hilarious
<Super-Jesse> I even got LD
<BirdPerson> I knew immediately, /whois is good.
<SolidShroom> It was great
<WarpRattler> /whois rocks.
<SolidShroom> I didn't /whois till real late
<SolidShroom> It was much better if you were fooled.
<Super-Jesse> [04:34] <Super-Jesse> this Starfy is sure funny
<Super-Jesse> [04:34] <Super-Jesse> i wonder who he is ;)
<Super-Jesse> [04:35] <Lizard_Dude> Oh that was you
<Super-Jesse> [04:35] <Super-Jesse> ...
<Super-Jesse> [04:35] <Super-Jesse> you had no idea?
<Super-Jesse> [04:35] <Lizard_Dude> I believed it
<SolidShroom> Trust me
<Super-Jesse> Yeah, the mom thing was actually real though
<SolidShroom> haha
<Super-Jesse> it happened in warcraft
<WarpRattler> Suuure.
<Super-Jesse> let me find the video
<Lizard_Dude> I don't slam /whois within seconds like the rest of these kids
<SolidShroom> Hahaha
<SolidShroom> I don't do that either LD
<n-fani> Oh wow
<PaperMario> some kid's mom really did that in warcraft?
<Super-Jesse> ANyway
<Super-Jesse> Yeah
<Super-Jesse> I gotta find the video
<Lizard_Dude> My favorite part of the whole thing was Bird instantly saying his name was Max Vance.
<Super-Jesse> My favorite line:
<Super-Jesse>  <Starfy> he plays with his Wii i just watch
<BirdPerson> Max Vance is supposedly MaxVance's real name.
<WarpRattler> Yes, that was hilarious.
<Lizard_Dude> Well duh
<Lizard_Dude> Although I have a friend, username of John Denbee
<Lizard_Dude> but his real name is Kyle Nelson
<PaperMario> the innuendo in that line was hilarious
<SolidShroom> so
<SolidShroom> How is this going to classic quotes?
<Super-Jesse> Sorry I'm looking for the video
<Super-Jesse> i know it's here somewhere
<BirdPerson> Link to a txt if anything
<SolidShroom> I suggest uploading a .txt and picking out good points.
<Lizard_Dude> Paste the whole thing and just post it
<BirdPerson> [02:40] <Ronald> I neeeeed sleeeeeep.
* BirdPerson is now known as Bird|Sleep
<Bird|Sleep> G'night, all.
<WarpRattler> Yeah, it's now almost 6 am. Good morning, #tmk!
<SolidShroom> :/
<SolidShroom> Lucky guys
<Lizard_Dude> Dude I have to drive 5 hours in... 5 hours
<SolidShroom> You get sleep
<SolidShroom> I get lawn mowing
<Lizard_Dude> Why does this happen every time
<WarpRattler> I leave for Chicago in probably less than 24 hours.
* WarpRattler has quit IRC (Quit: See ya, people. )
<PaperMario> i'm hungry...
* PaperMario has quit IRC (Quit: Night. Er...morning....whatever. )
<Lizard_Dude> I'm too young to die
* Lizard_Dude has quit IRC (Quit: Don't shoot! I'm with the science team! )
<Super-Jesse> hahaha
<Super-Jesse> I FINDS IT
<Super-Jesse> Another bright day...
Title: Re: The Legend of Stafy's Mom: A Link to the Past
Post by: Luigison on July 20, 2013, 07:40:35 AM
I love your nostalgia kick, but honestly...


Maybe later.
Title: Re: The Legend of Stafy's Mom: A Link to the Past
Post by: BP on July 20, 2013, 10:41:18 AM
Gee when was I this unfunny, I

<BirdPerson> 15.

Title: Re: The Legend of Stafy's Mom: A Link to the Past
Post by: BriGuy92 on July 20, 2013, 03:32:31 PM
I think I remember this happening while I was sleeping. Or rather, I remember waking up and looking at my computer, and finding that there. It's familiar somehow, even if that's not how I saw it.
Title: Re: The Legend of Stafy's Mom: A Link to the Past
Post by: Ninjap00 on July 20, 2013, 04:05:36 PM
What is this nonsense?
Title: Re: The Legend of Stafy's Mom: A Link to the Past
Post by: Toad on July 20, 2013, 04:10:11 PM
Super-Jesse thought it would be funny to sign in under another alias and mess with the chat room. I wasn't there for it, but I did find it kind of funny upon reading afterward.
Title: Re: The Legend of Stafy's Mom: A Link to the Past
Post by: Super-Jesse on July 21, 2013, 12:58:32 PM
Super-Jesse thought it would be funny to sign in under another alias and mess with the chat room. I wasn't there for it, but I did find it kind of funny upon reading afterward.

Yep, and I can't believe how hilarious I thought it was when I originally did it. Reading back, it has it's moments but overall it was just one big waste of time.

Still a moment that sticks out to me, as silly and dumb as it is :P