Video Games > Mario Chat

Luigi: Underdog or Silent Champion


Now, that's a question worth asking!

Let's do the Mario, all together now!


You've never heard of his adventures? Of course he is a silent champion! These games were never released but at the "Where's Luigi?" point, it turned out Luigi got sucked into the Sega universe and had to battle his way against furry animals, just in time to get back for Mario Kart 64.

Kweeh! Kweeh!

Qwil man:
Right now I'm in the process of writing "Brooklyn Nights".  Mario fanfic in wich Peach has an affair with Luigi, Luigi rises to power in the game industry, and Mario is found dead in an alley.  Justice shall be served!

The only thing that keeps me warm at night is this picture of my girl back home.  It unfolds into a blanket!

Personally, I was always putting forth the idea that Mario and Pauline were and item, and that Luigi and the Princess were gonna tie the knot.

Let's do the Mario, all together now!


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