« on: July 19, 2001, 05:34:43 PM »
All right. Josh, what's his name, was trying to get the SMB cartoons back on the air. PAX TV ran it for a while but stopped. We have been discussing about which new sereis we would do. So I am going to make a fan fic series.
If the episodes become to long, I will insert a post to tell some one to end it or I will end it and come up with the next episode.
Super Mario RPG
Episode 1: The comming
The Mushroom Kingdom has been safe ever
since Bowser went to Dinosuar land. However,
Bowser did excape and built Bowsers Keep.
Yoshi and his frends went off to an Island
to experence the Mushroom Kingdoom.
One day, Princess Toadstool went to
visit Mario at his newly built house.
The unoffical vice-president