« on: July 18, 2016, 01:45:27 AM »
When I'm watching a really good movie, I find myself thinking "wow! I wish I could be at this place/could be doing these things/could be that person!"
When I'm playing a really good game I pretty much am never thinking "gee I wish someone else would do all this so i could watch instead"
There's things each medium can do better than the other, they're two very different beasts. I say video games are better because they have way more potential and are inherently more immersive, but besides that, Nintendo doesn't have any stories worth telling in film, or at least any that would be better watched than played. Nintendo understands that in a game, the game part comes first. They understand everything else should exist to serve the gameplay. They make the game, and give it a story only because the story serves the game. I don't think I've ever played a Nintendo game where the gameplay was deliberately made worse in order to accomodate the story.
I haven't played Metroid: Other M.