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Sexual Orientation

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--- Quote from: Markio on October 21, 2012, 04:08:09 PM ---when they found her online profile with a "queer" identification they began to tell their friends that they were disowning their daughter. 

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That's awful. I have a friend who's mother used to beat her because she was a lesbian, although they've since settled their differences after my friend threatened to leave and never come back (she had already rented out a room at a friend's house). Guess her mom cared about her enough not to make her orientation an issue.

EDIT: Seeing as how this doesn't really have much to do with the marriage debate, I thought it was appropriate to respond to Markio's comment. Feel free to edit or delete my post if you think otherwise.


Heh, I tried not to go completely overboard with the list. I think I did a pretty good job covering a lot of orientations, though. :P

--- Quote from: Markio on October 21, 2012, 04:08:09 PM ---Her parents are evangelical Christian, and when they found her online profile with a "queer" identification they began to tell their friends that they were disowning their daughter.

--- End quote ---
It's stories like this that both sadden and infuriate me. Treating a fellow human being as such—especially one's own child, no less—is so horrible and un-Christlike.  It's no wonder people are repelled and disillusioned by the notion Christianity, when so many so-called Christians are acting this way, completely counter to everything Jesus emphasized.

Anyway... I guess I'll share some of my story.

As far as "coming out" about my orientation, aside from a few internet friends, I've really only talked about it with my parents. They pretty much already knew I was ace, but just didn't know the term for it. I think most people who know me really well wouldn't be surprised by my orientation. Being hetero-romantic, though, I imagine I come across as heterosexual, if anything. Or possibly a celibate heterosexual. (I am indeed celibate, but I choose to be. Being that it's my "default mode," though, it's just not a "struggle" or "issue" or whatever for me.)

While my parents accept my orientation, I think part of them believes I just might be a "late bloomer" or something. While I suppose that's possible, or maybe I'm "repressed" or something, I'm in my mid-twenties; I think I would have experienced sexual attraction by now, especially considering I HAVE experienced romantic attraction. If I am indeed NOT ace, I have such incredibly low libido I might as well be.

Lizard Dude:
Real question (no troll): Do "asexuals" masturbate?

I think the answer that we're seeing here, is that they have no desire to, or have some sort of reason to avoid it.


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