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TMK Stuff => Game Blog => Topic started by: Super-Jesse on July 08, 2007, 02:20:48 PM

Title: MSN says GTA cartoon p'wns SMB cartoon
Post by: Super-Jesse on July 08, 2007, 02:20:48 PM
I like it when websites think their opinions are so great, they get this big headed idea to disperse those opinions onto us, their viewers. I don't view MSN all that much, with Google and all, but I did stumble upon their latest power trip about the worst cartoons ever. This article By Robert Isenberg picks on the cartoons we have all grown to love, such as Transformers, Capitan Planet, and even Goof Troop. However, the biggest issue I have with his little list comes when he is discussing why Pokemon is one of the worst cartoons ever:

""Pokémon" had none of these qualities (character development, mature themes, complex plots and either smooth animation or really scenic backgrounds). And wasn't not alone: The "Super Mario Bros." and "Pac-Man" cartoons also fell flat, which is what happens when you base a saga on a two-dimensional video game. Now just imagine "Grand Theft Auto: The Animated Series" -- that would be something.

Oh, I see! So, if we focus on three-dimensional video games, it'll provide a better basis for a cartoon series, is that right? I guess little does Mr. Isenberg know that GTA started as a 2D, sprite based game as well, and that there are a number of 2D games that have everything he craves in a cartoon series. I don't agree at all that a GTA cartoon would be a good fit for morning cartoons, and I definitely wouldn't want to see the backlash that would follow from both gamers and parents if that were to happen.

Agree, disagree? Let your opinion be heard in the Fungi Forums!

Link: Worst Cartoons Ever ( (
Title: Re: MSN says GTA cartoon p'wns SMB cartoon
Post by: Mkava on July 08, 2007, 05:25:45 PM
Just a bit of misguided idiocy. I think the whole article is a sham and the only point that could be worth anything would the steady decline in quality of Saturday Morning Cartoons. <sarcasm>Yay for 4kids, huzzah!</sarcasm>

I agree with not wanting to see any backlash that would come from a GTA cartoon. I honestly don't know how that could be seen as a good inspiration for a cartoon. Heck, the F-Zero cartoon wasn't that good (Captain Falcon came off looking like a complete ass) but it at least based off a game that was worth basing a cartoon off. Heck, the LoZ cartoon sucked majorly (upside-down triforce pieces anyone?) as well as the SMB cartoon did (I still like both of them, somehow) but that's due to people not looking to the games too much. I would absolutely hate to see if any cartoon writer looked to GTA for inspiration and stayed true to the series... *shudders*
Title: Re: MSN says GTA cartoon p'wns SMB cartoon
Post by: Toad on July 08, 2007, 05:34:27 PM
Why is it that people with no idea of history of video gaming think that "X" cartoon would be better because it would be based off of a 3D game?! All games at one time were nothing but 2D pixels moving across a vast pixelated sceen.

ON a related note: What about 3D sidescrolling games, like Donkey Kong Country? What does MSN think about that?? DKC spawned a cartoon that was loosely based on the game, and even attempted to introduce a couple of locations and characters..
Title: Re: MSN says GTA cartoon p'wns SMB cartoon
Post by: Ultima Shadow on July 08, 2007, 05:47:22 PM
Pokemon should not be compared to GTA in terms of storylines, character development or mature themes. It's intended for children, and GTA is not. Some children may not even understand more mature plotlines, and it's simplified to allow the younger people of the world to enjoy themselves while watching it without having to scratch their heads and wonder what the heck is going on.
Title: Re: MSN says GTA cartoon p'wns SMB cartoon
Post by: MEGAߥTE on July 08, 2007, 09:34:38 PM
Pokemon is pretty low quality for anime, but grouping many of those other cartoons is not fair or even logical.  Their content quality (but not always editing) and humor far surpass the majority of modern cartoons.
Title: Re: MSN says GTA cartoon p'wns SMB cartoon
Post by: Boo Dudley on July 09, 2007, 05:29:53 AM
Pokemon should not be compared to GTA in terms of storylines, character development or mature themes. It's intended for children, and GTA is not. Some children may not even understand more mature plotlines, and it's simplified to allow the younger people of the world to enjoy themselves while watching it without having to scratch their heads and wonder what the heck is going on.

And kids can understand nonsensical babble?
Title: Re: MSN says GTA cartoon p'wns SMB cartoon
Post by: Lizard Dude on July 09, 2007, 07:05:49 AM
Yeah! 3D games make great movies! Like... like.... Tomb Raider!  and     and Resident Evil!

I got nuthin'.
Title: Re: MSN says GTA cartoon p'wns SMB cartoon
Post by: Kojinka on July 09, 2007, 01:47:39 PM
"character development" We got to know more about Jessie, James, and Meowth.  Maybe that's why they are my three favorite characters in Pokemon.  But, yeah, sometimes I did wish we could learn more about the twerps.
"mature themes" 1) 4Kids dubbed it 2) It's aimed toward the whole family, but mostly kids  (I could just see it now, some angry soccer mom nags to Nintendo, or 4Kids because they found some sort of innuendo in Pokemon that their child wouldn't even catch till they're older)
"complex plots" 1) the games themselves did not have a complex plot, nor did they need one. 2) once again, it's aimed more toward kids. 3) if you're complaining about that giant plothole with Ash's Tauros, that's 4Kids' fault (as if there was any kid that hasn't seen Elmer Fudd or Porky Pig point a gun at Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck at least 50 times).
This guy is full of crap when it comes to VG cartoons.  Who in their right mind could say GTA would make a good cartoon?!
Title: Re: MSN says GTA cartoon p'wns SMB cartoon
Post by: ShadowBrain on July 09, 2007, 09:50:18 PM
Yeah, I was gonna bring this to light, but I knew it wouldn't be long 'till someone else would.

This guy just wishes he was... I dunno... funny? Witty? Getting off on the fact that you can call anything stupid in the rearview mirror? Geez, I dunno. Yeah, some of those shows were dumb, but where is the logic behind saying that the only reason we liked those shows was because we were pea-brained kiddies? DUH. THEY'RE FOR KIDS.