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Messages - SushieBoy

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6 7 8 ... 221
I find the Family Guy animation style kind of boring now. I much prefer the abstract colours and flappy mouths of the old simpsons cartoons, and a mix of the high detail shots of shows like Ren and Stimpy.
I also prefer the bad but suprisingly pleasing style of South Park.
But hey, everyone has their own styles...

Actually I think that South Park's animations is times better than FG's.

Mario Chat / Re: BEST AND WORST IN SERIES? Week 24: HUB Music
« on: October 04, 2008, 10:38:48 AM »
The music in the paper mario games is real cheap. 

Define "cheap"

Also, If I haven't already, I vote for best original SMB level.

Hmm. I don't car for those games.

Latest News / Re: Mario & Luigi 3 Coming in 2009
« on: October 03, 2008, 05:05:58 PM »
Wow! I can't wait for this game. Hoperfully Fawful (and Popple) make an appearance here. Those enemies have that wacky smile and glasses. Just like Fawful.

Mario is moon walking! Nice find there, I gotta try that.

I was just generally stating when I found the glitch. Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door has been out for almost 4 years. In 10 days, it will have been out for exactly 4 years.

In 10 days? I must celebrate.

Mario Chat / Re: Mariology (serious posts wanted)
« on: September 29, 2008, 06:19:54 PM »
Here's something to discuss form SMW, do you guys think that Soda Lake really is soda? The first thing that I think of when I think soda would be coca cola, but if that was the case in Soda Lake, then you couldn't see anything. Maybe it's just carbonated water...

Mario Chat / Re: BEST AND WORST IN SERIES? Week 24: HUB Music
« on: September 29, 2008, 04:05:03 PM »
Best: PM:TTYD. I don't know why I like it but I do.

Worst: SMS. I'm not calling it bad, just not as good as the others.

Mario Chat / Re: BEST AND WORST IN SERIES? Week 23: Storyline
« on: September 21, 2008, 05:39:26 PM »
Best: Super Paper Mario. I was really captivated by the greatly written plot and it's twists.

Worst: I don't know.

And I vote for Best Original Mario Bros Level

General Chat / Re: TV this fall
« on: September 17, 2008, 06:53:19 PM »
What's going on here?

Mario Chat / Re: Favorite Mario soundtrack
« on: September 16, 2008, 04:48:27 PM »
Another track with awesome music is Maple Treeway.

Ah yes, that one was good too.

Robot Chicken also did a short with mario and luigi.

That is true.

Mario Chat / Re: Favorite Mario soundtrack
« on: September 16, 2008, 03:44:44 PM »
Moo Moo Meadows also has that odd Celtic Mayan vibe.

That one was good too. But a bit too short.

That makes me think: does MKW have a spot in the options where you can turn the music up and down? I'm not asking for SSB-like options, but I have a hard time hearing the music when my character is constantly being blown away by items.

Nope, infact the options themselves are very limited.

Mario Chat / Re: Best Mario RPG
« on: September 15, 2008, 07:19:37 PM »
Oh no contest, PMTTYD.

Mario Chat / Re: Favorite Mario soundtrack
« on: September 15, 2008, 07:12:19 PM »
Now this game didn't have the greatest soundtrack, but It did have one song that stood out above the others. And that is Mushroom Gorge from Mario Kart Wii. It has to be my favorite song from any Mario Kart game. Here just listen to it!!


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