Miscellaneous > The White Mushroom House

More SMB trading cards

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Hey, I've obtained some more rare Mario trading cards.  These are from the National Safe Kids Campaign.  The complete set is 6 cards: 1 SMB, 1 SMB2, 2 SMB3, and 2 Adventure of Link.  I've got 12 cards, which contains one complete set and duplicates for $2.  E-mail me if you're interested.

Lizard Dude:
Don't tell me my $3 got lost in the mail!


Don't tell me MEGABYTE ripped me off!

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven!”

Don't worry, I sent the cards on Saturday.  I can scan the receipt if you're really concerned

Lizard Dude:
Nah, that's okay. Just wondering. :)

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven!”

Megabyte, a little off the subject, but will you look at my thread entitled, "TMK Staff Pictures" There are some requests for your pic, including me. I've seen everyone but you. Other people want to see you too. If you don't want to post your pic, then it's ok. I don't mind. I ask you this here because this is the only thread in all of the forums that I have seen you been the author of. Thanks!

Hey folks, you should try this. Show people your drivers license and ask them if "they have seen this man."
Quote from George W. Bush: "I have opinions, strong ones, but I don''t always agree with them."


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