Miscellaneous > Fan Creations
Deezer Stories
I have an Idea! You can make newbies annoying little enemies like waddle-dees and koopas!
When Bart watches Itchy & Scratchy, how does he know he''''s watching a cartoon and not real animals?
Forest Guy:
Sorry about the delaye everyone. My sister wouldn't let me use the computer for the past 2 nights, so I couldn't post. I'll have the next episode up soon.
Only a fool scoffs at the laws of Ushido. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of evil. *Eats slice of Pizza* My cause is worthy. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!
Chupperson Weird:
Heh. This is kinda interesting.
Darn. Just another mess o’ Chocolate Pan Dowdy.
Forest Guy:
Oh jeeze! Sorry! I forgot to write the next episode!!! I'll have it up tomorrow. I promise. (-_- ')
Only a fool scoffs at the laws of Ushido. *Takes out Katana* The might of righteousness will overcome the wrath of evil. *Eats slice of Pizza* My cause is worthy. Meow! I am the Samurai Pizza Cat!
Can you space the lines in the story so it's more readable?
X-Box and PS2 Suck with a capital "S".
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