I want to stay out of this board, but first I want my question to actually get answered. TurtleKid.
A government's job is to protect its people.
You with me so far? Okay.
So, if that's why we have a government, why is it their right to tell us who we can and can't marry?
Did you get all that?
Do not avoid the question. I will ask it again if you tell me "because it's disgusting," because that's just what you think, as much as I think eating chocolate cakes with mustard is, but it's not the government's job to stop the consumption of mustard chocolate cakes. Tell me why same-sex marriage is dangerous. Tell me how it is tyrannical. Tell me about any harm any given gay person has given you just out of their orientation. No, your disgust does not count. I mean anything that actually bars you from life, liberty, property/pursuit of happiness. That last one cannot be used to say that you're simply not happy with their feelings, as there are millions of things I'm not happy with, and it is not the government's job to make you happy, but to allow you to be happy, and you could certainly be if gay marriage were permitted--of that I am positive.
Do you have an answer?