
Author Topic: Classic quotes from forum members  (Read 237965 times)

Forest Guy

  • Anything else?
« Reply #540 on: August 05, 2009, 11:32:51 PM »
<Rao> Hey... does anybody wanna play Brawl?
<CaptainJim> Well this promises to be an exciting day
<CaptainJim> I choked and gagged, so I threw up, then I chucked so hard my nose started bleeding.
<Rao> :(
<Lizard_Dude> That happens to me as well when I think about online Brawl

I'm so glad this isn't "You Laugh, You Lose."
= = = = = = =
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.


  • Tortuga
« Reply #541 on: August 06, 2009, 09:53:53 PM »
So I'm posting an excerpt from a conversation in which I participated.  Oh well.

<+CaptainJim> Shroom
<+CaptainJim> You have to get the Running Shoes first
<+CaptainJim> Which means
<+CaptainJim> First do a bunch a crab
<+CaptainJim> *crap
<+SolidShroom> I thought so.
<+CaptainJim> So you appreciate how fast the shoes make you go
<+Turtle> Do a bunch of crab?
<+ToadFood> It shouldn't take too long
<+SolidShroom> I already would appreciate some speed.
<+Turtle> Sexual relations with Kingler won't earn you running shoes.
<+ToadFood> Flip it over and hit it's weak point for MASSIVE DAMAGE
"It'll say life is sacred and so is death
but death is life and so we move on"

« Reply #542 on: August 08, 2009, 12:03:43 AM »
<Lizard_Dude> What is funnier
<Lizard_Dude> Metal Gay Solid
<Lizard_Dude> Metal Queer Solid
<SolidShroom> The latter.
<TEM> definitely the 2nd
<TEM> I was thinking if there was some way of combining Gay and Queer to make a super gay word
<TEM> and then I realized
<TEM> that's exactly what the title is


  • Paid by the word
« Reply #543 on: August 15, 2009, 11:10:34 PM »
<FBM> ...What DO vegans eat, anyway?
<Deez> Vegas
<bobman37> no, Bisons eat Vegas

« Reply #544 on: August 23, 2009, 11:05:27 PM »
<Lizard_Dude> I was just at the place where I got the buy 2 get 1 free Monster (mentioned in real-time voice chat)
<Lizard_Dude> I looked and the Monster was wiped
<Lizard_Dude> Just wiped
<Lizard_Dude> Maybe one can of the orange kind, nothing else
<Lizard_Dude> except
<Lizard_Dude> Two brimming full rows of MIXXD
<Lizard_Dude> Proof that the public knows the true horror of The Worst Drink Ever Made, Monster MIXXD
<TEM> hah, oh, wiped as in gone
<TEM> I thought it was some weird way of saying something was wrong with them
<TEM> what is the idea of MIXXD?
<TEM> what did they do to make it nasty?
<Lizard_Dude> The text on the can literally says something like, "we had a bunch of leftover flavors sitting around so we threw them all together to make this"
<TEM> ah

<TEM> True Fact: I'm scared to watch The Exorcist
<Lizard_Dude> If you drink some MIXXD
<Lizard_Dude> you won't be scared of anything ever again
<Lizard_Dude> Well, except drinking more MIXXD

<Lizard_Dude> When I drink my own urine in a few days I will be thinking one thing
<Lizard_Dude> "I'm glad this isn't MIXXD"


  • Beside Pacific
« Reply #545 on: August 23, 2009, 11:18:24 PM »
[20:28] * the_smasher uses pyro kenesis to burn Dj's nuts off!
[20:28] <the_smasher> didnt count for the part where I can contol fire did ya?
[20:29] <DJShrike> my girlfriend can apparently control fire. .w.
[20:29] <the_smasher> she can?
[20:29] <DJShrike> her character can anyway
[20:29] <the_smasher> oh...
[20:30] <the_smasher> I really can control flames...
[20:30] <the_smasher> small ones
[20:30] <the_smasher> i can put them out with no water
[20:31] <CaptainJim> It's called dirt
[20:31] <the_smasher> no its called my mind
[20:32] <CaptainJim> Yeah, that's what I said
[20:32] <CaptainJim> Dirt
[20:32] <@BP> Oh mmman
[20:32] <@BP> smasher
[20:32] <@BP> Jim is proving you can't control fire right now
[20:32] <@BP> You're getting burned pretty bad
All your dreeeeeeams begiiin to shatterrrrrr~
It's YOUR problem!


  • Paid by the word
« Reply #546 on: September 27, 2009, 10:45:44 PM »
<Ahriman> Hurrrrrrgh
<Ahriman> My
<Ahriman> I don't
<Ahriman> aaaaaaaaaaaa
<Hibiki> Yeah, that's how i responded when i first watched Bible Black

(Since they're using nonstandard names: those are Captain Jim and Mr. Wiggles.)

« Reply #547 on: September 28, 2009, 08:29:57 PM »
[20:15:54] <TEM> Now what's this I hear about you and Britney Spears?
[20:16:29] <HarrisonFord> Well, we're in love.
[20:16:35] <TEM> Wow!
[20:16:39] <HarrisonFord> She's got herpes too, you know, so we're a perfect match!
[20:17:02] <TEM> Are there any children in your future?
[20:17:20] <TEM> Or it it just another "fling"?
[20:17:21] <HarrisonFord> Well, we're not sure yet.
[20:17:27] <WarpRattler> Would you say, then, that TWO IN TEN ADULTS HAVING GENITAL HERPES would be a more accurate statement?
[20:17:43] <HarrisonFord> Who's this person?
[20:17:54] <HarrisonFord> Are people just allowed to run onstage and yell?
[20:18:10] <TEM> He's my mentally retarded son.
[20:18:10] * SolidShroom points out that WarpRattler is also naked
[20:18:24] <TEM> We can't afford to put him asleep!
[20:18:30] <HarrisonFord> I see.
[20:18:42] * HarrisonFord pats WarpRattler on the head
[20:18:48] <SolidShroom> Maybe he can star as childhood Han Solo.
[20:18:49] * TEM turns to camera and pauses for sighs of sympathy from audience
[20:18:56] * Fifth sighs
[20:19:07] * WarpRattler twists HarrisonFord's arm into a chicken-wing shape
[20:19:33] * HarrisonFord flips WarpRattler onto TEM's desk


  • Banned
« Reply #548 on: September 29, 2009, 02:46:13 PM »
<LD's diatribe against MIXXD>

I realize this post is from like a decade ago but I never read this thread. Anyway, everything LD said is truth.

« Reply #549 on: October 10, 2009, 06:31:40 PM »
<Hibiki> So I'm watching that iCarly episode that my friend guest starred in
<WarpRattler> What's the plot?
<Turtle> !?
<Hibiki> and about half the episode involves half-naked men in speedos dancing to club music in her apartment
<Hibiki> The plot is about awarding crazy antics of people on the internet
*** Weegee has quit (Quit: Ciao!)
<WarpRattler> Weegee left to watch.
As a game that requires six friends, an HDTV, and skill, I can see why the majority of TMK is going to hate on it hard.


« Reply #550 on: October 16, 2009, 09:17:12 PM »
[23:08:53] <~EclipsedMoon> Is there a comfortable way to control HL1?
[23:09:01] <+TEM> uh, what?
[23:09:14] <%Deezer> mind reading controller
[23:09:24] <+TEM> what do you find uncomfortable?
[23:10:11] <~EclipsedMoon> It seems the only thing I can do with my controller is either look around or act like the default arrow keys (forward, backward, turning).
[23:10:24] <~EclipsedMoon> And then I can't have any of the buttons do anything.
[23:11:23] <+TEM> controller
[23:11:26] <+TEM> controller
[23:11:43] <+TEM> You're playing a FPS on PC with a controller?
[23:11:58] <~EclipsedMoon> Controller and mouse combo.

« Reply #551 on: November 12, 2009, 08:45:35 PM »
In the real time event of the year, LD puts his Domino's delivery tracker on facebook

<Lizard_Dude> Can you see my pizza status on facebook?
<SolidShroom> Yes.
<Lizard_Dude> I love The Future
<Lizard_Dude> Leo put my order in the oven
<SolidShroom> Your order is being baked with lots o' love.
<SolidShroom> Nice, I see you're not a girl who enjoys thin crust pizza.
<SolidShroom> And the Dr Pepper is a nice touch.
<Lizard_Dude> He has a PhD in tasting good
<SolidShroom> There is pizza going to LD's house
<SolidShroom> This is awesome.
<SolidShroom> I've never been more excited for someone I know on the Internet.
<SolidShroom> Like when all those peoples on the forums had babies and stuff, that didn't even come close to this.


« Reply #552 on: November 12, 2009, 08:48:33 PM »
<SolidShroom> Like when all those peoples on the forums had babies and stuff, that didn't even come close to this.

That real time pizza stuff is the only thing thing that would make me even consider going back to Facebook (but it doesn't).

« Reply #553 on: November 13, 2009, 12:10:43 AM »
Why settle for an app when you can have real pizza?

Oh man, its 10pm over here and I want to go out to buy some, but all the local ones are closed now.
As a game that requires six friends, an HDTV, and skill, I can see why the majority of TMK is going to hate on it hard.

« Reply #554 on: November 13, 2009, 01:12:43 AM »
It was real pizza.

My real pizza's progress to my real door was being broadcast to hundreds in real time.
