More pointless quotes? HECK YEAH.
Private: *penguins are in Antartica* ..... Well, this sucks.
Venkman: Hey, I'm a voter! Aren't you supposed to lie to me and kiss my butt? (this was my sig at one point)
Julien: Wait... I have a plan! I have devised a cunning test to see whether these are savage killers! *throws Mort into clearing*
Ray: Ready... GET HER!!! *gets the crap scared out of him by teh ghostie*
Kids: Can we have your autograph? ...Pikachu?
Ash: *falls over* ...Oh, well, Pikachu's the star of the show.
Kids: We'll miss you!!! ...Pikachu!!!
Ash: *falls over again*
Marty: If you need me, I'll be over here on the fun side of the island!
Alex: That's not the fun side! THIS is the fun side! THIS is the fun side where we're gonna have a great time surviving until we go home! *does a dance* Woo! I love this side! This side's the best! THAT SIDE STINKS! YOU'RE ON THE JERSEY SIDE OF THIS CESS-POOL!!!
More pointless-ness later, I've gotta go to bed.