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Wanted: Nintendo Power magazine

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Super Caterina!:
Ciao! =D
Time ago a guy on DeviantArt told me that a drawing of mine has been published under the name of someone else on the American Nintendo Magazine: Nintendo Power.

he told me that it has been published in 2005. I find it as a big coincidence, 'cause 2005 is the first time I started posting g my drawings on international websites (the first one where the drawing appeared was administred by Koopaprince- now the site is closed): the "stolen" drawing was in these first drawings. I remember it was pretty easy to find it on google under the name "Mario & Luigi VS Bowser" just that time (2005-2006)

So I looked for some information for the 2005-2006 issues, but without any result...

The "stolen" drawing:


I'm really afraid of a heavy art theft, still unpunished- and I don't like thinking that this is real. I want a proof of it, than I'll think for the rest.
Can you help me?

The problem is pretty old, but I haven't solve it yet. I don't know if this rumor is real or not and this makes me mad! @_@

If you know something, please tell me. Better if you got the magazine where it is said the drawing has been published, so that you can send me a scan.

Then, if I find it necessary, I'm going to buy that magazine from the one who got it. I pay the magazine itself and also the travel for the mail (I live in Italy, you know, so it will be an expensive mail!^.^').

Please take me away these old doubts with your help: it would be very kind from you! ^__^

PS: this drawing has been already stolen once on deviantart, when i wasn't still a memeber of it. Anyway, the drawing has been published on the Italian Nintendo Magazine (Nintendo la Rivista Ufficiale) BEFORE I posted it on some websites- they have the original one, because I sent it to them.

Super Caterina!:
Oh come on... X,D
No one knows anything? I just wanted to know if you have already seen this in a magazine or not... ;_;

I don't recall seeing it, but my collection of NP is currently boxed up somewhere in my garage.  Later this week I'll try to get around to organizing it and look through the magazines when I find them. 

I have some Nintendo Powers from 2004 and 2005. I'll try and check them all after supper, but IIRC, I think they stopped putting fanart in the magazine sometime in 2004, when they were trying to act all grown-up and hardcore and whatnot. If so, it might have been published on their website instead, and I'll try the Wayback Machine too.

I do seem to remember seeing something like that in a magazine (it might have been Nintendo Power or possibly Game Informer -- I'll check the issues I have of that too), but it may have just been a similar style.

Forest Guy:
Yeah, I have almost every issue from 1991-2007, and then I stopped subscribing. I was planning on cleaning my closet out this week, so I'll check out the 2005 issues as I'm moving them.


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