Miscellaneous > The White Mushroom House

Wanted: Nintendo Power magazine

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I've checked issues 183-89, 191, 193, 194, 197, 198, and 199 of Nintendo Power and didn't find anything. For anyone else who's looking, I believe they stopped having a big fanart section around 186, but after that they'd still put one or two near the back each issue.

I also didn't find anything in a quick glance through issues 165-176 of Game Informer, but I think those are all from 2007 anyway. And they're not Nintendo Power.

Forest Guy:
Not that it bothers me or anything, but why is this in White Mushroom House anyway...?

Super Caterina!:

--- Quote from: Forest Guy on July 27, 2009, 12:33:16 AM ---Not that it bothers me or anything, but why is this in White Mushroom House anyway...?

--- End quote ---

Because I wanted to buy the issue where it might have been published, if it is possible!  ;p
I found it as kind of commission...Just think about "Wanted" of the farwest stories! =D
You find it and take to me, than I pay. =p

By the way, if the drawing was in a site, I would have been less careful because I find it pretty normal. But if it's in a magazine the thing is a little different and it makes me worry much more. Then I don't think someone can be confused: he also told me he cut it away from the magazine! Maybe he got confused with another drawing... =/

Maybe the guy told me the drawing was in another Nintendo or videogames magazine, or he told me a lie... >.>

No worries for you anyway. If you have checked those old issues of Nintendo power, the problem might be another. Sorry for having rushed you. =<

Oh anyway...is there anyone who got the original Super Mario Adventures comic (and can sell it to me)? ^.^

Yeah, that pic does look kind of familiar... I've got every Nintendo Power from I think #103 to #200-something (stopped subscribing a year or two ago for assorted reasons). I don't think there's any way I could go through all those and find it, though, assuming it's there and not in some other publication, as you suggested.

Also, you'll have to fight me for that Super Mario Adventures book! I should've asked that one kid in elementary school who had it what he wanted for it...

Forest Guy:
I have the Super Mario Adventures and Legend of Zelda graphic novel in my closet too somewhere... I really need to go through it badly.


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