Miscellaneous > Not at the Dinner Table

Determinism vs. Free Will

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"Determinism is the view that every event, including human cognition, behavior, decision, and action, is causally determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences."

"Free will raises the question whether, and in what sense, rational agents exercise control over their actions, decisions, choices."

Are you a determinist or do you believe in free will? Do we have the ability to make our own choices, or are our decisions determined by prior events?  Discuss. Please cite evidence to support your beliefs.

Chupperson Weird:

The reason I don't really like this argument is that if it was decided one way or another it wouldn't matter.

So in other words, we don't have a choice about having a choice.

Do subatomic particles have free will? What do the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and Schrödinger equation suggest in this regard?  I've been studying this for years and haven't drawn a definite conclusion, but believe that if humans have free will then so do subatomic particles and vice versa.  I use the term "believe" here because the quantum world has not yet been fully reconciled with the macroscopic world. 


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