Video Games > Video Game Chat

¡ß円lè öÆ’ â€ hè gåmîñg sè×ès¡

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-__-;  hrr... again, I *really* need to check what I post more often... ^^; anyway... I just want to say, after reading a few of the new posts...[not really "new" but] The Biggest Boo, and MrWhitefolks bring up what I believe are the few main points why "the wonderful world of gaming" is confined to mainly males: Sterotypes, and for the fact that sex sells. [u-n-f-o-t-u-n-a-t-a-l-l-y...] However, this is just me, but The games I like the most are rpgs, fighting games [betcha' didn't see that coming] and action/puzzle games~think Legend of zelda, or even Bajo-kazooie. And unfortunally, I seem to be only one that I know of so that likes these kind of genera of games...I'll get to the point by saying that ;-; I'm starting to realize female gamers like me are rare... :(

•^v´~`·._•(·~Kat~·)•_.·´~`v^• [I really don't know what the point of my senseless babbleing on that was, but, hey~It's 1:06 in the morning and I have nothing better to do ;P]


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