I've been barking up that tree for awhile. Never worked. Maybe that's just because half the staff hates my guts, though.
Maybe that's because it's a "don't call us; we'll call you" policy? Hinting around, as opposed directly asking, is equally annoying, and it sure isn't going to get you anywhere. Ever think the REASON "half the staff hates you" is BECAUSE you're annoying like that? Not the other way around?
(Note: I typed this BEFORE Black Mage mentioned the "don't call us" thing, but it fits in with what I'm saying.)
Anyway, Cash, it's not that you wouldn't "mess it up," it's that you seem so power-hungry and determined for it, and getting it the "good way" or "bad way" doesn't matter to you, as long as you have it.
And the cookie thing, I'd guess ME.
* Sapphira says, "How would YOU know?" and who said she WANTED one?