Miscellaneous > Not at the Dinner Table
Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage
I will say this only once (unless I'm inclined to say it again): Homosexuality is perversion.
--- Quote from: NintendoExpert89 on September 22, 2008, 10:27:05 PM ---If same-sex marriages take place, it doesn't bother me for there are no negative effects upon my own lifestyle or choices.
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No, just on the morality of the already morally-drained country we live in.
--- Quote from: Bird Person on September 22, 2008, 10:53:35 PM ---1. That being said the government really has no business controlling the matter. How far away are we from real equality? Black people, check, women, check, gay people, not yet...*
As for how I think this mingles with religion... I was Catholic. 2. Now I'm just plain ol' Christian with my own moral codes and my own ideas of what God is like. I don't think He'd want me to follow other people's hearts anyway. I don't think God would create gay people if they truly were to be condemned. 3. And that's right, I believe that sexual orientation is not something your environment affects, but an instinct you're born with. Like taste. Vidgmchtr likes Burger King. I hate Burger King, but I don't care if he eats there. Vid could force himself to not eat at Burger King to comply with the paranoid people who don't tolerate eating there, but he won't actually stop liking it.
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1. Being born black or a woman isn't something you can change (or shouldn't be, but there's just another example of how perverted our society is).
2. You have your own moral code and idea of what God is like? Define "Christian."
3. So is being an alcoholic, and yet there are AA meetings across the country because alcoholism is something that can be overcome. People can make a choice to overcome their inclinations, not because they're "complying with the paranoid people," but because it's the right thing to do.
--- Quote from: Glorb on September 22, 2008, 11:16:59 PM ---No offense, but that post was the exact definition of ignorance.
Comparing video game fans and lame subcultures to broad groups of people who suffer discrimination and hate crimes on a daily basis doesn't work. Neither does the insanely tired argument of "omh if gays marry than donkeys and robots will mary 2!!!".
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Is it really so insane and illogical to believe that perversion will lead to more perversion?
...well, I don't think I made too many new friends with this post. But that's what I think, presented as civilly as possible.
I accept them. It's not their fault, after all. Yeah, I don't want to see gay guys making out, but neither do I really want to see heterosexuals couples do the same.
--- Quote from: Turtlekid1 on September 23, 2008, 06:33:34 AM ---Is it really so insane and illogical to believe that perversion will lead to more perversion?
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That's like saying that tolerance to homosexuality will somehow make straight people automatically gay or breed new gay people.
Boo Dudley:
lol @ people who think it's a choice.
lol @ turtlekid. I could've sworn the way you follow Glorb around...
--- Quote from: Boo Dudley on September 23, 2008, 09:02:53 AM ---lol @ people who think it's a choice.
lol @ turtlekid.
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Ah, redundancy. It's as much a choice as any other negative addiction/problem.
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