Video Games > Video Game Chat
^_____________________^ I just had, the best idea in the whole world!!! What if I got the names from everyone here at the TMK message board *trumpet fanfare in background* to sign a petition to send to nintendo to request Super Smash Brother tournaments across the country????? Well it'sa good idea [I think] but ¦D lazy summer got the best of me---hmmm....maybe i could send an e-mail instead...
Lita: IDEAR U EVER CAME UP WITH!!!!Yes!!!Send a e-mail and send it to everyone in the TMK and then print it out and mail it to Nintendo of America!!!I LUV IT!!!!!!!you haveta give them ideas for prizes cuz ya kno how they don't like to do work!ask everyone in da TMK what prizes should be,and for once in nintendo's life could they hold tournaments in west palm beach!!! gawd it so gay we haveta go dat we gotta go to jacksonville /:/ well anyways DUDE DIS IS DA BESTEST IDEAR!!!!
Hey, Kat, they can be real, just set it up with a bunch of friends and have your own small local tourny! My pals and I have done it, and it's lottsa fun if your friends are any good.
Finally someone who wants to have a SSB tounament as much as I do. Anything you guys need to get the ball rolling for National tournaments, I'll see what I can do. Just e-mail me at
I have tried to get one of these in my town but they told that there weren't enough people interested to hold one. So I guess that means that we will have to recruit people from across the nation. The more names demanding one, the more likely it is that there will be one.
That might work--even better if nintendo ***actually*** NOTICED all the people that WANT a torny for SSB.....
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