Miscellaneous > Not at the Dinner Table
For or Against?
Ambulance Y:
This might've already been done, but I was just wondering what everyone's opinions on gay marriage were.
Myself, I am for it. Love is love after all. Homosexuals are people just like you and me, so shouldn't they have the same rights as any of us? Some people's defense is that the Holy Bible forbids anything homosexual, but the country isn't run by the Bible, so the what's in the Bible shouldn't always be in the Constitution. I mean, if we deny homosexuals rights, then essentially, we are sending our selves back in time. America has denied groups like women and African-Americans privileges in the past, so shouldn't we learn from that? That's what I think
Lizard Dude:
I am for it. Not letting two people marry just because they're the same sex is pointless bigotry and just plain mean.
In a place with many right-wing folk, I'd say that "against" will soon surpass "for" in the votes.
I am for it, myself. Here are my reasons:
• Marriage, as much as people with moral religious values don't want to think, is definitely not a religious thing anymore (I'm quite sure it has existed in SOME form even before religion did). It doesn't have to be done in a church, it can be done in courts, just about anywhere as long as someone with the power to unify a couple is present. Denying two men or two women this right is just downright stubborn, in my opinion. The Constitution implies that there is a wall between church and state, yet many of today's politicians still believe there is no such wall, and like to base federal and state laws on religious laws.
• Just like how civil rights were achieved, and women's rights were achieved (well, most, they still don't get paid as much as men. :/), homosexual rights will be definitely be achieved. "It is inevitable."
The state I currently live in is still debating whether or not same-sex marriages can be performed here. Many proposed bans on it have been shot down, as well as proposed laws allowing it. Here's to hoping they can be legal, eventually. :|
Any posts below mine:
Disagree with me if you'd like, fine. I don't care. But trying to start an argument by hocking a loogie on what I stand for is something I will not tolerate. Arguing on a topic such as this will get people nowhere. I am not going to change my beliefs just because you want me to.
The Catholic religion kind of contradicts itself in this area. It basically says if you're gay, you are going to go to Hell. BUT, it also says if you have faith in God, you'll still wind up in Heaven. So what happens to gay Catholics? I'm for it, because all men (and women) are created equal.
Lizard Dude:
--- Quote from: Vidgmchtr on August 10, 2006, 12:44:00 AM ---Arguing on a topic such as this will get people nowhere.
--- End quote ---
Then how does one get anywhere?
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