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Miscellaneous => Forum Games => Topic started by: Mario Maniac on February 15, 2001, 11:54:38 AM

Title: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: Mario Maniac on February 15, 2001, 11:54:38 AM

Mario was relaxing on the porch of his house, sipping lemonade. Luigi was inside, playing his Nintendo 64. Princess Toadstool and Toad were in the garden, planting Fire Flowers.

Mario looked up to see Luigi ranting on how he beat the high score of Paper Mario.

Luigi: "...and then I got to the 3rd boss, and he killed me!"

Mario: "Aww, better luck next time huh?"

Luigi: "Yeah! I guess."

Suddenly, the two plumbers hear da scream from beyond the garden. Toad rushed up to the Mario Bros. and started flailing his arms and jumping around in a panic.

Mario: "Whoa... waht's wrong?"

Toad: "It's Princess Toadstool... she's been..."

Luigi: "Let me guess, kidnapped?"

Toad: "No even worse... She's been attacked by a Piranha Plant!"

Mario and Luigi: "Nooooooooooooooooooo!"

Luigi: "I hate Piranha Plant's! Those **** little devils!"

(You continue the story from here. Just stick to the original plot!)
Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: Luigi of the Pipes on February 20, 2001, 08:39:43 PM
Mario: C'mon Luigi!  Grab one of those freshly planted Fire Flowers!

Luigi: Mmmm... I love those.  They have that spring-timey scent with...

Mario: Umm... we don't need to know that...

Luigi: Oh, yeah... Well, let's get back to business...

Toad: Sorry guys, but we planted the bulbs, not the sprouts...

Mario: You mean we'll have to kill the Piranha by ourselves...?

Luigi: With no fire to burn them...?

Toad: Guess so...

Maz & Lui: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

This post brought to you by: Luigi of the Pipes
Goombas Rule!!!
Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: TurtleTek on February 25, 2001, 02:14:12 PM
Mario and Luigi rushed out to the garden and saw Peach who was kneeling and sitting on her feet. In front of her there was a small white "chompy" plant. The "villanous" plant was fast asleep.

Toad: Oh, my Princess, are you all right?

Peach could do nothing more than let out a few pathetic tear-choked squeaks.

Mario and Luigi looked at each other and shrugged.

Luigi: Umm..Toad..what's the problem?

Mario: I'll save you, my love!

Mario jumped in a heroic pose and landed right next to the little plant that didn't even come up to his knees. Mario then grabbed the little weed and violently yanked it from the ground. It was dead instantly.

Mario: Hah, I've got you now, you vile weed! I'll make your reget what you've done to the fair princess!

Mario then proceeded to wave the dead plant around, shaking it and punching it with his free hand. Then he fell to the ground and wrestled with the plant and yelling heroic-sounding lines until there was nothing left of the plant but grass stains on Mario's gloves. Meanwhile, Peach stopped crying and was looking on these theatrics with starry eyes.

Mario: Haha! I am victorious! Eternal peace has returned to our fair kingdom! Come, Peach, and let us celebrate the vanquishing of another dastardly evil-doer!

Peach: My hero! I'm going to bake you three thousand cakes!

Toad was hopping around happily, singing Mario's praises.

Toad: Mario is the hero of all time! God bless Mario! May his life be littered with riches and good fortune! Three cheers for Mario!

Luigi was so dumbfounded by these going-ons that he couldn't speak. He just stared at his friends who seemed to have lost their minds with an open jaw. Something was wrong here. Very wrong.

Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: General Guy on March 03, 2001, 03:31:53 PM
(Meanwhile, in the Super Secret Headquarters of General Guy..)

"Ha,hahahaha!"GG cried,"The extreme exageration ray worked!With everyone busy extremly exagerrating stuff, olike little white plants and cake baking, I'll be able to take over the MUSHROOM KUINGDOM!"

"Yes, sir."A lone shy guy said,"Should we now proceed with the plan to make a trillion Anti-Guys?"

"Why make make trillions when you could make..."GG said,"MILLIONS?!"

"...Because a trillion is bigger?"

"Oh.Carry on then.Bwa,hahahaha!"

(You could precieve this to be the GG from paper mario, but you could percieve it to be me as well.;)   )

Come on you sorry lot, we got some blasting to do!Hup two three four...
Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: TRM04 on March 03, 2001, 04:30:02 PM
Luigi: Why don't I ever do the heroic stuff?  Mario he always does everything better than me, just look at him now

Narr:By this time, Mario and Peach ambrace and they start kissing.  Toad continues dancing around singing songs of victory

Luigi:The princess...well she's so beautiful...and she likes Mario...not me...he says between sobs

Toad stops his dancing and he walks across the grassy lawn to where Luigi stood. Luigi looks down to see Toad standing there and Luigi fels alittle better.

Toad:Whats wrong Luigi?

Luigi:I want to marry Princess Peach yet she want Mario, my fat stupid brother.  Just look at them.  I'm skinny, energetic, and attractive and the only time Mario is energetic is at meal times.  Marios fatter too.  He should sign up for sumo wresting.

Toad walks over and whispers something in Luigi's ear

Luigi:Thats it! he cried as he ran down the hill to the end of road

What will happen next?  Well you decide
Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: daFunkster on March 07, 2001, 05:08:43 PM
Luigi got to the end of the hill and entered an old abandoned shack. Inside, it was dark and musty, with cobwebs in every corner. The only light came from the broken window. Luigi spotted what he was looking for, and went over to it.

" I will have my revenge!" he said.

He went over to what appeared to be an ordinary chair. But this was no ordinary chair, my friend.! This was a BROKEN chair! He picked it up, and set it down behind him. He pressed a button that was once hidden by the chair. A whole wall turned around, and Luigi went inside the newly revealed elevator.

"Which floor, Luigi?" a mechanical voice said.

"Seventh floor please, R2, and step on it," Luigi replied.

"Right away, sir," the computer, R2, said in his emotionless voice.

"Soon my plan will be complete!" Luigi said with a sinister look on his face. "And the Princess will be mine!"

Sono ichi fanku-ippai!
Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: Ironfoot on March 08, 2001, 06:27:36 PM
"What???????!!" General Guy (GG) yelled at his partner. "The Anti-Guy machines are broken???" "Yes-sir." responded GG's partner, trying to find a way out of the current sutuation, knowing GG's very short temper. He was hoping he wasn't too late to excape GG's final burst of anger and face a new plan to destroy TMK. However, he was too late. "You Son of a *****! I'll kick your ***!!!!!" yelled GG furiously. At that, he hurled his partner into a wall 5 feet away. GG tried to think of a new plan. He then thought of attemped Anti-Video Game movements, such as the Street Fighter Army and the Anti-Sailor Moon movement. Then, GG  got an idea. An awful idea. GG got an awful, awful idea. "Partner! Get back on your feet! We are going to make an Anti movement!" "Another one?" questioned GG's partner, trying to stand up after his collision with the wall. "Yes, but this movement will be like no other. We shall call this one...the Anti-Pokemon movement(APM)! We will send our best soldiers into the APM and make them march into TMK. Then, we'll use our extreme exaggeration ray to make the Mario brothers dumb enough to follow the movement...back to our castle! Come partner, let us prepare the APM!" declared General Guy. However, GG's parter was getting second thoughts. "This plan will fail" he thought. "The Mario brothers always win. It's like the public wants to see the good guys win. Sigh..." GG's partner sorrowfully followed his master.
Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: ParaTroppaCaption on March 23, 2001, 02:42:18 PM
Out of the distance a paratroopa wearing a green shell and a green version of general guys hat comes in. It's paratroopa caption, the caption of the paratroopas and bowsers left hand man, comes flying in to tox box village to see general guy. as he spots him he flys over. " slacking off again general guy? hmm? Bowser said he want the ray done by tomorrow no excuses, and he sent me to make sure it's done"

Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: Mario Maniac on March 27, 2001, 02:48:58 PM
Okay. That's enough of Part 1...


After Paratroopa Caption explained his plans to General Guy, the camera switched to an outside view of Bowser's Castle. The screen then faded to inside the castle. In the main hallway, Bowser was pacing back and forth muttering to himself. Kamek, Bowser's sidekick Magikoopa and ruler of the Magikoopas, looked at a scroll he had written the day before...

Bowser: "Grrr... I hate it when the Mario Bros. always foil my plans! What am I doing wrong?"

Kamek: "Maybe it's the way you never take the time to think of a good plan! You always make your plan like this - 'I'm gonna capture the Princess and hold her hostage until the Mushroom King surrenders his castle over to me; but the Mario Bros. always stop me before I can do any damage... blah, blah, blah!' Mybe you should make me commander of the Koopas one day... I could definately do better than you!"

Bowser: "WHAT? You little prick! How dare you insult my plans! How dare you mock my train of thought! How dare you make me feel like a bum! How dare you...!"

Bowser was so angry that he tossed Kamek out of the room and ordered him to be locked up in the dungeon for 10 years!

Bowser then went over to his monitor and saw General Guy with the Paratroopa Caption. They were discussing plans for their next attack.
Bowser grinned a villainous grin.

Bowser: "Hmmm... Looks like I've got some competition... The Mario Bros. can wait. Right now, I've got a General Guy to deal with!"

Edited by - Mario Maniac on 3/27/2001 12:52:39 PM
Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: KinopioToad on April 19, 2001, 10:39:55 AM
Then Bowzer stormed over to General guy and ParatroopaCaption,he roared "What in the world do you think you punks are up to". General guy then stated "We're gonna take over the Mushroom Kingdom by making millions-ParatroopaCaption interupted"You mean trillions.General Guy stated "O yea, Trillions of Anti pokemon." Bowzer sounded Furious "What!!! I'm the evil one here, buster!! I'm gonna steal the princess Again!!" General guy said "Why the heck don't you capture Mario?" Bowzer said, "I tried, ever played Mario is Missing? "You mean that crap! Yelled ParatroopaCaption, why don't you capture Luigi then, and we will help if you get Kamek to help us out so we can release our Anti-pokemon. "But I threw Kamek in jail."Said Bowzer sounding ashamed. "then let him out!!" screamed both General guy and ParatroopaCaption at the same time. yesssss.....

 Would you like to buy a star?

Edited by - KinopioToad on 4/19/01 5:49:30 PM
Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: ParaTroppaCaption on May 12, 2001, 08:21:42 PM
"yes your evilness" said paratroopa caption as he sent out some red shell paratroopas to luigi

Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: Link on May 30, 2001, 03:45:22 PM
All of a sudden out of nowhere, a warp pipe appered.

Bowser: Ah! What is that!!!!!!!!!!!

Parratrooper Caption: Sir. Uh, it is a warp pipe, sir.

(mario and Luigi jump out of warp pipe.)

Bowser: Ah! What are you doing here?

Mario: Oh for crying out loud. Bowser, haven't you known by now. You kidnapp the princess then we come to fight you and rescue Peach.

Bowser: But I don't have Peach!

Mario: You don't?!

Luigi: That's good. Let's go.

Mario: Not so fast, Luigi. I need a Koopa to beat up.

Luigi: He didn't do anything.

Mario: For crying out loud-

Luigi: Look stop that!

Mario: He's the bad guy. Bad guy's always get beetn' up by the good guyd

(continue some one)


The Triforce Protector
Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: KinopioToad on June 07, 2001, 12:48:33 PM
Sorry to cut in out of the story, but what the- after my part of the story you all don' make any sence, what he heck, handing luigi shells, the warp pipe, I thought it was Bowser, General guy, paratroopacaption about to capture luigi while luigi has his own plot up his sleeve to attack mario. Ah well.

 All hail the almighty Oreo cookie master.
Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: Link on June 10, 2001, 10:20:14 AM
Oh! sorry. I'll try better to read everybody's part next time.

The Triforce Protector
Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: Greg on January 07, 2002, 07:40:55 PM
Does anyone remember this topic?

I am the guardian of the forests,I am the guardian of the swamps.I am half Bear,half Frog.

BearFrog a.k.a. Greg
Title: Re: Super Mario RPG 2 (my version)
Post by: LieutenantEagle on January 26, 2002, 10:33:09 PM
Mario gets out his Super Mushroom and starts Power Bouncing on Bowser.  Luigi retreats, crying "Mario!  Don't fight him now!  You'll die!"

Bowser, however, was already severely injured.  "Why you little f***ing plumber!  You fought me before I could drink my Koopa Shake, you son of a *****!"

(note: Koopa Shake makes Koopas stronger)

"Now that we have finished with this guy, let's deal with General Guy and, um, that weak Paratroopa," said Mario.

"Weak!  You insolent bast***!  How dare you insult the left-hand man of General Guy himself!" Paratroopa cried.  While Mario prepared for another battle, Luigi secretly went back down the pipe...back to the Princess's Castle.


Welcome to Wariokart!!!!  As for you, Mario...a Triple Blue Shell chasing after you!