Miscellaneous > Not at the Dinner Table

Youth Rights

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I'm personally distgusted with today's society. In today's world, there's a new kind of discrimination going on. It's not racism, it's ageism. People are being discriminated because they haven't reached the magical age of 18, where every ounce of "malicious behavior" is somehow removed from their bodies within a matter of seconds after growing to said age.
Teenagers can't do certain things simply because everyone fears that teenagers are the Anarchist, pot-smoking, Halo-obsessed, binge-drinking, lazy, stupid punks everyone stereotypes them as. One teenager ends up hurting someone else in self-defence, and suddenly, all teenagers are labeled as horrible, violent people? And when one adult hurts someone just for the sake of hurting someone, adults are still treated better than teenagers who haven't done anything? It's a stupid double-standard that shouldn't exist.
And I read somewhere that all teenagers are evil and it's their own fault. Maybe we only act the way we do because of the rules society made up that restrict what we can and can't do?
And what's this about curfews that only affect people under the age of 18? Are they the only people that break the law? Are adults unable to break the law?
And not being able to own a firearm until you're 18. That's pretty stupid, are people saying that only teenagers kill? Or are they afraid that teenagers' minds are somehow unable to comprehend the sight of a gun, and will shoot themselves?
It's becoming harder and harder for teens to get jobs. People see us as inexperienced and stupid. Well, how are we supposed to get job experience then?
To get a job, you need experience.
To get experience, you need to get a job.
To get a job, you need experience.
Circular reasoning.

Also, one more thing: school's considered a job for students. Well, why can't we quit our job without getting arrested? Any adult can quit his/her job. So why can't we?
School isn't the only way to obtain knowledge.

That whole post reeked of post-modernism.


P.S.: There is no such thing as Youth Rights.

Just wait until you're an adult and you'll have the power you want, kiddo.

I've never heard anyone say any of those things about teenagers.


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