Miscellaneous > Not at the Dinner Table

American Flag

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First off Vid, your opinion doesn't sicken me. Opinions are like noses, everyone has them and they're all different.
Anyway, flag burning is wrong to me. First of all, you have to love america. America is the reason why you are sitting at your computer relaxing and loving life. If you don't like America, then why are you here? The flag symbolizes America and what it stands for. Letting a flag hit the ground is a lot less harsh than burning it, so why do people feel that they need to it. If a flag is old, recycle it! AS proud as most americans are, they should go through a lot of flags that could be put to other uses. Flag burning is disrespectful and dishonorable. It's like burning a bald eagle or the white house.

Lizard Dude:
If flag burning were illegal, then our freedom would be taken away by the symbol of freedom. Vote yes.

If America were truly free, why would we have drafts?

It's nothing like burning a bald eagle or the White House.  If you love America, you love freedom of expression.  If you're limited in how you can express yourself, then where is that freedom you claim to love?  You can detest the action, but that doesn't mean an action doing no direct harm to others should be illegal.  That's just hypocrisy.
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

And using a drafts excuse is lame... two wrongs don't make a right.

Insane Steve:
Yes. As long as the event isn't a fire hazard.


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