Fungi Forums

Miscellaneous => Forum Games => Topic started by: Ambulance Y on January 14, 2006, 07:23:30 PM

Title: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Ambulance Y on January 14, 2006, 07:23:30 PM
Okay, this is an RPG based on the Fellowship of TMK from "Mario: The Evil Bread". Just say your character's name, species, HP, Magic and attacks. Then add a part to the story or battle. (If you've already specified your character, there is no need to add it again, just add another part to the story...duh).

Name: LZR
Species: Human
HP: 100
Magic: 50
Slash with giant guitar - 10 HP
Power chord - 20 HP (Uses 5 Magic)
Guitar boomerang - 15 HP (Uses 2 Magic)
Skateboard slap - 5 HP

The Fellowship of TMK


Long ago, before The Great Bread Wars, there was a prophecy. It stated that five heroes would one day meet and revolutionize the world and put an end to the utter confusion and darkness that covered the land. This prophetcy was fuffiled. For, in the mid-days of The Great Bread Wars, when everything was as bloody and violent as they got, five heroes met. The first was a young minstrel from the Fungi Palace, who was just as strong in battle as he was with his guitar. For his name was LZR, and would go down in history, as would a young banana salesman from the same village as the aforementioned one, for his name was Luigi Simpson, and he was just as faithful to friends as he was to getting sugar highs. The third was a rugged pirate toad from the seas, named Blue Toad, who made enemies come to their knees and allies to fight harder, for he was a true liberator. The fourth was a came from the outer reaches of space. He was a leader of a strange planet called Glorbanthia, and he was Glorb himself! He used strange foriegn instruments of torture to kill his enemies, and made quite an image for himself. The final member was Masher, a dragon-slayer from the east. He had amazing mental abilities, and contributed to the team just as much as any others did.

For they all had met during The Great Bread War to tag along and fight the dastardly Breadites. They realized the amazing abilities they had as a team. They joined together to form the Fellowship of TMK, helped each other through the hardest prediciments, which included Pumpernickel the Great's ambush on LZR's fake funeral, a desperate search for some lost sacred objects in the Woods of Sorrow, a search for a lost sword in Temple of the Five, the approach of a back-stabbing frog, and the horrible guarding duties of Queen Sapphira's Palace. By now they were simple known as the Five of the Fellowship, or simply the Five.

But, once the Bread Wars were over, they all had settled down. But, soon after these terrible times, a new conflict had arisen. It was up to the Five to re-unite and save the day. This is their legenedary story...
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Ultima Shadow on January 14, 2006, 11:24:56 PM
I'll join...

Luigi Simpson
HP: 90
MP: 65

Punch (5HP)
Banana Boomerang (3HP, goes over 2 turns)
Slash (15HP, can't attack next turn)
Plasma Cannon (12HP, 4MP)
Omega Sword (30HP, 7MP, can't attack next turn)
Explosion (90HP to all enemies, but loses all HP)


An elvish banana salesman, he is skilled at operating machines and swords. However, his sword fighting uses up a lot of energy, leaving him vulnerable to enemy strikes. If his friends are in danger, he wastes no time trying to save them.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Ambulance Y on January 14, 2006, 11:47:10 PM
Sorry, no battles yet. Oh, and Luigi S., since you wrote your stats, you can add chapters if you want.

Chapter One: Dream

Blue Toad woke up covered in sweat and panting. He had the worst nightmare. But he sighed with relief knowing it wasn’t real, although it struck him as being a clear sign. The dream involved Luepoftior, who in the dream was laughing menacingly and spiraling around in circle, seemingly staring at Blue Toad. Could this be a sign that he could rise again? He decided to get up and talk to Noopy about it. Noopy was his assistant on the high seas. He did everything from fixing the cannons to cleaning the poop-deck. For, yes, Blue Toad was sailing on S. S. Gruff, one of the most fabled toad pirate ships.

“Noopy, wake up!”

“No, momma! Don’t take the cotton candy!” he whispered, obviously experiencing a very strange dream.

“Ugh…,” Blue Toad groaned, “get a hold of yourself he exclaimed as he shoved Noopy off of his cot.”

“What is it, sir,” he moaned.

“I want you to analyze one of my dreams.”

“Okay. I’m glad you recognized my talent in that, sir,” Noopy said, “now tell me of this dream.”

He told him about Luepoftior spinning in a circle and laughing.

“Get the Five,” Noopy said, “for this means that this Luepoftior that you spoke of…is back.”

Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: The Blue Toad on January 15, 2006, 02:45:31 PM

Name:  The Blue Toad (Blue Toad)
Species:  Toad
HP: 90
Magic: 70
Emerald Axe - 11 HP
Tattle - discovers weakness of enemy - 0 HP (Takes 3 MP)
Bomb - 30 HP (Takes 10 MP)
Emerald Light - 10 HP and Blinds Opponent (Takes 3 MP).

Summary:  Showing bravery on the high seas, The Blue Toad also likes to take his time to relax in the cabin, and read from his many books.  Along with being a pirate, he is a bit of a bookworm, who enjoys mental challenges as well as physical.  His Emerald Axe was given to him inside the Temple of the Five, and he has treasured it ever since.  It can give off a bright, green glow that may blind evil and shed light upon darkness.  After the Bread Army had failed, he gathered together a pirate crew and set sails with his marvelous blue ship, the S.S. Gruff.  He is in search of treasure, and adventure, and perhaps a good book to read.

Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Koopaslaya on January 15, 2006, 05:44:42 PM
(Hey, this isn't as good as Super #tmk bros. when it began!)
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Ultima Shadow on January 15, 2006, 05:48:52 PM
I killed Super #TMK Bros when I smashed into a cliff...
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: PaperLuigi on January 15, 2006, 06:14:26 PM
Is it okay if I join? (I noticed that only five members were in the story.)
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Ultima Shadow on January 15, 2006, 06:25:55 PM
Sure, go for it!
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: PaperLuigi on January 15, 2006, 09:15:21 PM
Okay I'll be P.Luichi, the renegade wrestler/ninja guy from Colony Village.


Species: Human
HP: 90
Energy: 50

Headlock toss-10 HP
Lethal Blade-20 HP (Double edge, takes away 5 HP)
Double Leg takedown-15 HP, requires 1 turn to get into position
Tori Jutsu- Copies enemy attack. Uses 10 Energy
Full body kick/punch- Uses 10 energy for kick but does double damage, uses 5 energy for punch but does normal.

PaperLuichi was a strong Jonin from the Village hidden in the country, but left after his failed attempt to become the leader. (How he planned to become the leader, he will not say. He lives where he can, earning money for jobs that locals hire him for. These jobs range from simple tasks such as cleaning the house and taking out the garbage, to assassinations. He's very skilled at the art of ninjitsu, with techniques like copy jutsu and weapon use. He's also good at wrestling combat and martial arts. When he was young, he was a shy child; he almost never spoke to those larger then him, or even smaller. Eventually, he grew tired of being lonely and began to train his body to become stronger. His hobbies when not fighting with someone include reading or playing an instrument.
Other information: Some say Luichi was battling another ninja with an army of men. He lost his ability to use his arms in the fight, but refused to give up. With a single knife in his mouth, he took them all down one by one. His main weapon is a very long blade. It doesn't have any magical powers, but it's strong, nonetheless.

Luichi is not one of the five who helped defeat Luep, but he would like to help out, as long as LZR pays him handsomly. Yes, I know he's based off my favorite Naruto character, but I couldn't help myself. I'm a Naruto dork.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: The Blue Toad on January 15, 2006, 09:25:21 PM
Alright then!  Should LZR be the one who continues on with our stories, or should we switch off each chapter?
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: PaperLuigi on January 15, 2006, 09:27:28 PM
I think he said it was okay to continue the story ourselves. Is that okay?
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: The Blue Toad on January 15, 2006, 09:29:09 PM
Oh yeah.  Right right.  May I be so bold as to write chapter two?
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: The Blue Toad on January 15, 2006, 09:48:39 PM
Well, I'm being so bold!

Chapter 2:  Four Letters to Send

The Blue Toad knotted his forehead in wonder.  Perhaps Noopy was right.  He usually was rather good at predicting these sorts of things.  He had never been wrong on a weather report yet. 
"You may be exaggerating, Noopy," said Blue Toad, "but I'm taking your advice any how.  Better safe than sorry, eh?"
"Quite right, captain!" said Noopy.  But before the plump Tanooki raccoon could get his gloating of continually being correct most of the time, The Blue Toad had stormed off into his den. 
The Blue Toad closed the door shut behind him as he wondered inside, taking in the fragerance of burning wicks from the wax candles placed around his room.  Other than that, there was no light at all.  The Blue Toad took a seat at his desk which glowed happily with drippy candles circling a small stack of crinkled old papers and books.  He hastily picked them all up and dropped them to the floor, then opened the dwore next to his desk and grabbed a piece of paper and an envelope to go with. 
He picked up his feather quill which had been previously resting in a pool of black ink inside a small bottle.  The Blue Toad quickly began writing, being sure that each word he wrote was clear to read.

Dear Luigi Simpson,

He began.

I realize that it has been a long while since we have had any sort of communication with each other, though I thought that I should inform of something that may interest you.  I have just woken up from one of the most realistic dreams.  It was about Luepoftior, that cursed frog that we had battled so long ago.  I had a dream of this beast, only he was not lying on the ground dead as we had left him.  He was instead alive and well, and laughing the most terrible croak. 
I realize that this may sound extremely farfetched to you, but I believe that this may be some sort of sign.  Perhaps the Five Knights of TMK should meet again and discuss this matter in person?  Please send your reply.

You friend~
The Blue Toad

The Blue Toad finished this a blot by his name, and blew upon the paper for the ink to dry.  Once it was well onto the paper, The Blue Toad folded up the paper and placed it inside the envelope, writing down the correct information for the letter to be sent.  He then proceeded to write three more letters for the other Knights.  One for Glorb, one for LZR, and one for Masher.  Once they had all been written out and prepared to be sent, The Blue Toad directed his ship to the nearest island possibly where he would be able to stop and mail his four letters.
Perhaps he was relying on his old friend Noopy too much.  Or, perhaps he was simply being causious for anything that may happen.  Whatever the cause for his sudden connection of old friends, The Blue Toad was sure that this dream of his was not one to slip away.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: PaperLuigi on January 15, 2006, 10:33:23 PM
Somewhere, in the middle of the country, a rouge ninja was watching the sky. It had changed , from a light blue to a mix of other colors such as red and green. He thought deeply to himself.
"Hmmm.....I understand that my land is a land of many odd things. However....I've never seen the sky change. Something must be happening. Is it a sign? I do not know. Mabey I should......"
He scratched his nose and pulled out a small wooden instrument. He played a mystical tune that he had learned so long ago.
"This flute shall calm my soul." He tried to soothe his troubles, but couldn't. That strange image of a changing sky kept returning.
"It's no use. Something terrible is going to happen. I can feel it in my spirit. It's a feeling I've felt before....."
He thought harder on the subject. He had remembered a story one villager had told him on his travels across the world.
".....and whenever an evil rose, 5 hero's would rise to stop it."
"Could this be happening? Bah, I have other things to worry about."
He drew his blade and cut a mighty tree in half.
"This should suffice for firewood."
He cooked the fatest raccon he could find. It wasn't tasty, but it provided the enrgy he would need to take on the dangers of the forest.
Later that night, he had a dream.
"Luichi, you must fight. It is your must save the others......"
"Who? What others? I have know idea what your talking about."
"The others need must help them......"
"Leave me alone. I don't work with anyone. I work alone!"
"Then the world will fall."
He awoke from his dream. He was sweating heavily.
"Then I must go," he said to himself.
He got up and began to run. He had no idea of where he was going. But if the world was to perish witout his help, then he had to find truth.
"Am I one of the five?" he thought. "Mabey so......."
He ran into the deep hours of the night, searching for answers.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Glorb on January 16, 2006, 02:24:19 PM
Name: Glorb
Species: Glorb
HP: 120
Magic: 60

Punch - 3 HP
Lightsaber slash -  10 HP
Desert Eagle shot - 15 HP (uses 10 MP)
VP70 shot - 20 HP (uses 15 MP)

Meanwhile, in Heaven, Glorb was busy filming a new episode of his sitcom, "Glorb's Heaven", although he was having an arguement with Matt LeBlanc, who was not portraying Glorb very well.

"Dangit, Matt, I do NOT walk like that! I walk more like THIS." said Glorb, demonstrating how he walked. Matt replied, "Well, human legs aren't able to mimic the may a Glorb's legs move!". Glorb was outraged at this. "You're FIRED!" he said. "You, camera guy, mimic the way I walk". The camera guy attempted to do so, but spontaneously died.

Suddenly, Glorb's Communicator Watch beeped. "An incoming transmission from Ledzeppelinrocks? This better be important." he said, edging away from the camera guy's corpse. "What is it, LZR?" LZR's image flickered on the screen. "I can't tell you now, Glorb! Come immediately!" the image turned off.

Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Masher101 on January 16, 2006, 09:30:21 PM
Yay! The Fellowship Returns! >RpG StYLe!<

Masher (a.k.a. Dragon_Masher)

Species: Psycic-Human
HP: 100
MP: 100

Punch - 3 HP
Dagger Stab - 10 HP
Fire Ball - 20 HP (Uses 10 MP)
Psycic - 30 HP (uses 30 MP)

Chapter 3: Enter The Masher

Late at night, about the same time TBT was having his dream, Masher had one as well.
He saw that fat toad, laughing at him, laying, In that same bar that he died in.
Masher couldent move but stare... stare at that evil frog.
But then, It stoped laughing, and got up, it took a dagger and exited the building.
Masher awoke with a gasp and was a little freaked, but he didnt worry about it very much, so he decided to get the mail. He got the message from Blue, and he read it aloud

"Dear Masher,

I realize that it has been a long while since we have had any sort of communication with each other, though I thought that I should inform of something that may interest you.  I have just woken up from one of the most realistic dreams.  It was about Luepoftior, that cursed frog that we had battled so long ago.  I had a dream of this beast, only he was not lying on the ground dead as we had left him.  He was instead alive and well, and laughing the most terrible croak. 
I realize that this may sound extremely farfetched to you, but I believe that this may be some sort of sign.  Perhaps the Five Knights of TMK should meet again and discuss this matter in person?  Please send your reply.

You friend~
The Blue Toad"


"Can this be true?"

"is he really back?"

"I must find them, the rest of the five, and we will see what in the world is going on"

Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: BP on January 17, 2006, 12:12:32 AM
Edit: never mind.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: PaperLuigi on January 17, 2006, 08:13:31 PM
On and on Luichi traveled, running as fast as the wind would take him.
"Darn it. It's as if the entire world is trembling. I can feel it in the soil, the weather......."
He had remembered odd weather patterns that had taken place a few weeks back. On tuesday afternoon, it was well over 90. But the next day, the temperature had plunged to a dozen below zero.
"These patterns are indeed a sign. And that dream.........."
Luichi cleared his mind and continued to run. His mighty blade swipped across anything that stood in his path.
"Ha's been a while since I've cared about other's. I wish this was a journey I could take on my own. But the voice said others."
Eventually, he grew tired and sat down for a nap. Luichi's eyes shut, taking him deep into the dream world.
"Luichi......Luichi.....find your flute......."
The voice that had come to him the night before was speaking loudly. As if to wake him up. Sure enough, he did.
"Gagh! What is this voice that keeps coming to me? Leave me alone, darn it! I......"
Luichi looked at his hand. His flute was placed in between the fingers.
"I.....guess I should play it."
"Do-Do-Do! Du-Do-Du."
It was the song he had learned so long ago. It cried out to him.
" wonderful."
Yet again, he was plunged into a deep sleep.

"Owaghhhh!!!" The sound of a crying baby filled the entire room.
"Calm down, little one. Everything will be all right."
He's a fighter, I can tell."
"Heavens no. He will be a scholar."
"But honey, I think he has amazing power."
"It's final, he will be a fine scientist or a judge. Something with a future. Here Luepofitor, would you like to hold him?"
"Indeed I would......."

"What.....what was that? Was I dreaming?"
Luichi shook his head.
"I must get going."
He continued his journey down the dusty road until he came to a complete hault. Luichi noticed a strange looking fellow with a pirate hat on.
"Hmmmm...could be an enemy. Better draw my blade."
He dashed up to him and took a swing.....................
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Glorb on January 18, 2006, 02:25:05 PM
Radical! Ninja vs. pirate!
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Ambulance Y on January 19, 2006, 07:23:59 PM
Here's the list of characters:
(Keep in mind, this is every character ever mentioned in this RPG, or else I wouldn't have put in Matt LeBlanc!) :)

Fellowship of TMK Characters:

Blue Toad – One of the Five of the Fellowship. A pirate toad from the Goomba Seas, sailing the S.S. Gruff. Uses an emerald axe in battle.

Glorb – One of the Five of the Fellowship. An alien leader of a faraway alien planet named Glorbanthia. Uses foreign alien instruments of torture in battle. He also films a sitcom called “Glorb’s Heaven”.

Ledzeppelinrocks – One of the Five of the Fellowship. A royal minstrel from the Fungi Palace. Uses as giant razor-edged guitar in battle.

Luigi Simpson – One of the Five of the Fellowship. A banana salesman from the Fungi Village. Uses large armor and earth-shaking punches in battle.

Masher – One of the Five of the Fellowship. A dragon slayer from the east. Uses amazing mental powers in battle.

Matt LeBlanc – Portrays Glorb in the sitcom “Glorb’s Heaven”.

Noopy – Blue Toad’s stout little assistant at sea. Has very accurate predictions, whether it be about weather, or an evil force coming back to rise again.

Paper Luichi – A resident of the Colony Village, who is skilled in the practices of martial arts, and hand to hand combat. Some predict that he is the missing link in the Fellowship. He also plays a flute.

Pumpernickel the Great – Enemy leader of the Breadite army. Most prominent during the Bread Wars.

Queen Sapphira – Leader of the small band of female TMK’ers. Rules over them in the Sapphira Castle.

Also, I'll probably add another chapter for the story pretty soon, I'm just kind of lazy... :P
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Masher101 on January 19, 2006, 08:39:25 PM
Chapter 4: The Ninja Named Luichi

He dashed up to him and took a swing, but missed becuase the pirate was shorter than he looked.
Blue: You missed!
Luichi: Who are you?
Blue: They call me the blue toad.
Luichi: Why are you in this part of the mushroom kingdom?
Blue: I'm looking for an evil frog, see any lately?
Luichi: ... are you... one of the five?
Blue: Yes, yes I am
Luichi: (hmm, should I see if I could join him?)
Blue: I must be going
Luichi: Wait!
Blue: ? what is it?
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: meamfood on January 20, 2006, 04:30:33 PM
species:ummmm uhh an armless Toad
attacks:ummm whack with PSP, and magic and some stuff i'll say.
weapons:stick, food, a brain in a jar, a PSP, a monkey, a piece of YOU KNOW CHEESE.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: meamfood on January 20, 2006, 04:37:27 PM
species:an armless toad with floating hands.
hit with PSP(5 HP main attack)
throw cheese(10 HP I must pick up cheese and can only hold up to ten cheese balls)
Make zombie monkey eat your brain(12 HP)
Punch(2 HP)
sniff( rebuilds mana)
Heal friend(takes 10 of my mana)
Heal self(takes 20 mana)
eat dragon_masher(LOL just kiddin z man)
weapons:stick, food, a PSP
magic stuff: a brain in a jar, a monkey, a piece of CHEESE.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: meamfood on January 20, 2006, 04:49:57 PM
can i join the fellowship?
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: PaperLuigi on January 20, 2006, 10:50:29 PM
Luichi begged the Toad to stay. He needed to find more information.
"You," he replied. "I need help. Please tell me-"
"Listen, I don't know who you are, but I'm on a mission," The Blue Toad sighed. "I don't think It's safe to be around you anyway. You did use that giant whatever it is againts me."
"It's my blade, and I used it to attack. I had no means of killing you. Just....what is this mission?"
"None of your...say, why do you wanna know?"
"I...had a vision that I was to become a member of a fellowship. And another dream about-"
He paused, remembering the dream about the baby and the strange creature who held him.
"I just need to know. Tell me now, or I'll-"
"Alright, I'll talk. There's this dream I've been having about a former enemy I helped defeat, but he is alive. He is a monsterous frog that has the power to take the world. The fellowship and I must defeat him. I am going to find them, even if it cost me my life. Happy now?"
"May I...go with you?"
"You? No way. How do I not know you're an enemy?"
He pulled out his flute and played a wonderful tune.
"So? That means nothing."
"Would a brainless enemy find time to play an instrument?"
"I don't know. I really don't care. Leave me be."
The Blue Toad walked away without batting an eye. Luichi followed him in the leaves. He was a master of invisability.
"I will find this fellowship. I must find my purpose......."
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Ambulance Y on January 20, 2006, 11:00:15 PM
Luichi decided to follow after the Fellowship, and see what they were up, and what he would have to do to prove himself.

But meanwhile...

Chapter 4 - Yet Another Dream

LZR paced back and forth in his room. He was waiting for Glorb to come, for he had sent him a message through his communicator watch. It was an urgent situation, for he had experienced a dream that went something like this:

Glorb, the alien leader had been standing in a space-like hi-tech room, with knobs and machines and whatnot, and a dark shadow loomed over Glorb. Next it cut up Glorb into pieces with a sword and laughed a high-pitched laugh that LZR did not recognize.

He had to explain this to Glorb. He knew that dreams like this were a bad sign, and he should consult Glorb. LZR heard a hissing noise and looked outside of his window. It was a large alien craft.

Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: meamfood on January 21, 2006, 08:42:18 AM
ok kill the part with me and masher this is what i meant...

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!" someone screams as they fall on blue toads head.
"hello.who are you?"asked blue toad
"i'm meamfood a brave warrior."said well...meamfood
"hello i am blue toad i am a fearless warrior in the fellowship of tmk."
"can i join?"asked meamfood
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: meamfood on January 21, 2006, 09:06:12 AM
the hissing noise outside grew louder until it felt like it was going to break thru the stars and blow up the earth. But it was glorb inside the spaceship.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Bigluigifan1.0 on January 21, 2006, 12:12:22 PM
I'm in!!

HP: 80

Super Punch - 10 HP
Super Kick - 20 HP
Dirt Punch - 10 HP (Uses 5 MP)
Spin Kick - 30 HP
Camo-Flash - 20 HP (Uses 10 MP)


Back at BigLuigiFan's house he had just woke up, he was going to the forums to chat, and noticed everyone gone, "Where is everyone?" He asked to himself. Later on he started thinking since it was early morning he so he decided to go to their hometowns, still nothing, that's when he noticed a Warp Pipe that happened to come out of no where, with more confusion, he decided to jump on down.

Several hours later:

"Man, I was getting tired of falling down that pipe." He said very annoyed. BigLuigiFan wanders around the strange place and finds a giant hole with a sign reading "Secret Entrance", "Wait, what?" BigLuigifan was thinking as noticing that this little "Secret Entrance" wasn't really a good secret. He comes inside, and sees that the place is full of stuff from people of the forums. "This must be the Fungi Forumer's secret hide-out!" said BigLuigiFan excitedly. He looks around a bit more until he finds a strange plan that looked very odd, not from the normal people of the forums, jsut when he was reading it, a strange thing came out of no where, "Time to battle." BigLuigiFan thought to himself.

What will happen next?
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Ultima Shadow on January 21, 2006, 04:35:43 PM
can i join the fellowship?

You don't have to ask...
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Glorb on January 24, 2006, 07:23:07 PM
Well, actually, there are requirements. What they are, even I don't know. Heck, I didn't even know I was from Glorbanthia 'till LZR told me. And what happens to Matt LeBlanc now that he's on his own?

Suddenly, Glorb burst through the entrance to LZR's place! LZR rushed over to tell him something, but Glorb stopped him. "LZR, guess what?! I just had this wierd dream in my incredibly cool Glorbathian spaceship I forgot I had - you know, with the knobs? - where you were in this McDonalds and then there was this laugh and you got cut into tiny pieces and then you -- AAAAAARRRRGHHCCCCKK!!!" Suddenly, Glorb was cut down but a laser blast! As he flew into heaven, which is where he'd obviously go, Glorb noticed it was almost time for Glorb's Heaven!
So, with his magical Glorbathian powers he never used up until this point but was fully capable of using, he un-died and turned on LZR's TV just as  his show started. The theme song began...

"He's wacky, he's Glorby
He's tacky and shlorby..."

"What the heck is shlorby?" asked Glorb.

"...He's always doing stuff-y!
Because, this is...
Glorb's Heaven!"

However, things would not be shlorby (look it up in the Glorbathian dictionary) for very long...
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Luigi #98 on January 27, 2006, 04:53:14 PM
I'm in.

Luigi #98
heal (gives some of his own life if healing others)
self destruct
knockout punishment (knock out punch)
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Ultima Shadow on January 27, 2006, 05:20:18 PM
Luigi Simpson yawned, getting out of bed. He walked downstairs slowly, still tired.

"Good afternoon," the barkeep chuckled.

He picked up a letter, handing to LS.

"This letter came last night." he informed him.

Luigi Simpson lazily opened it, tearing off the top.

"Oh, it's from Blue Toad!" he exclaimed, reading further.

His face steadily grew longer as he read. Eventually, he ran back upstairs to get dressed. A long journey was ahead of him.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: MetalMario on January 27, 2006, 05:23:59 PM
*metalmario is praticing at a dummy station*
hey u on a quest!
metalmario hp:190 atk:75 def:25
meteor mash
bubble blast(foe cant move)
power blast
cool isnt it.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: PaperLuigi on January 27, 2006, 08:24:06 PM
Okay, how many people have joined now? Methinks this is a little out of control.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: The Blue Toad on January 27, 2006, 09:42:47 PM
Yeah, this went from Five Knights to a weird league type thing...
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Ambulance Y on January 27, 2006, 11:36:33 PM
Now it's like the 47 knights! :P

Oh, goes on.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Masher101 on January 29, 2006, 09:02:02 AM
How bout weeee...
vote to boot off some of the people that dont post?
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: PaperLuigi on January 29, 2006, 11:21:54 AM
Sure, why not.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: The Blue Toad on January 29, 2006, 07:25:33 PM
Such as whom?
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: PaperLuigi on January 29, 2006, 10:01:50 PM
Well, I think we should leave it up to LZR. He did create this topic after all.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Masher101 on January 30, 2006, 07:10:11 PM
 The 1st person to dance in they're pants that they brought to france gets booted from the five!!! XD
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Glorb on January 31, 2006, 08:45:24 AM
Glorb was just about to dance in his French pants, until he heard Masher's remark. But, just then, something giant and crazy appeared! It was...a cliffhanger ending!

But the ending was cut down by a laser beam from...
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Masher101 on January 31, 2006, 05:32:41 PM
Glorbs evil clone, Pink glorb!
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Ambulance Y on January 31, 2006, 08:58:56 PM
Well, I think we should leave it up to LZR. He did create this topic after all.

Maybe, people who aren't posting very much should post more (and intelligently), or not be one of the fellowship-people, I guess. Because, then we are writing about characters who's mannerisms we don't even know of. Or, the less-avid posters could be secondary characters of the story, until they have proved that they can be part of the fellowship. Not to confuse this whole thing, but there needs to be some sort of structure or foundation, I suppose.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: The Blue Toad on January 31, 2006, 09:02:32 PM
I second that. 
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Masher101 on February 01, 2006, 05:00:47 PM
Yeah, we could make like a website or something >.> <.< I know a free one...

I dont know...
It might do something...
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Ambulance Y on February 01, 2006, 05:53:30 PM
Nah. Although that's a good idea, I think a whole website for a fanfic is kind of...I dunno...weird.
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Masher101 on February 01, 2006, 05:55:36 PM
Oh ok XD well uhhhhhhhhhhh.....
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Glorb on February 02, 2006, 08:58:49 AM
An Evil Bread/FOTMK website? Awesome! That idea kicks butt! We could not only have updates on the stories when they arrive, but we could also sell Evil Bread action figures and DVDs! Just think, a Kung-Fu Grip Glorb figure with a Breadite 3-pack I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I?
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Tingrio on February 03, 2006, 02:57:25 PM
May I join the fellowship?

Name: Tingrio
Race: Human
Atk: 70
Def: 70
Hammer Fury
Super Spin Tornado

Status Altering Attacks... (1-15 chance of effect)
Tanooki Terror (flee)
Soothing Melody (Sleep)

Status Benfifing Attacks...(self)
Flahsback (recover HP lost within 3 turns)
Pump Up (raises attack)
Shade of Protection (raises defense greatly)
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Glorb on February 05, 2006, 10:48:25 AM
Of course you can! But what about your HP?
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Masher101 on February 14, 2006, 08:13:12 PM
Ehh... has this died? XD
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: The Blue Toad on February 14, 2006, 08:14:17 PM
I think so, fellow knight, I think so. 
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Masher101 on February 14, 2006, 08:31:57 PM

Poor Thread... (Gives it a funareal)
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Glorb on February 15, 2006, 09:10:37 AM
Never! Uh, um, err...Oh! That's right...

Welcome aboard, Tingrio (if you're still reading this thread). Or, maybe not. Anyway, we need a battle. Quick, someone fight!
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Masher101 on February 15, 2006, 04:43:34 PM


Bob vs. Johnny Butts!



Johnny loses...
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: PaperLuigi on February 15, 2006, 06:40:00 PM
Hey, if this story is dead, does that mean the frog guy wins?
Title: Re: The Fellowship of TMK: RPG
Post by: Glorb on February 17, 2006, 09:39:44 AM
Well, to make the story undead, we could stop saying it's dead! Well, scratch that - we don't want an undead zombie RPG walking around, eating other RPG's flesh. But we should still stop asking if it's dead. Now, what was happening before the apparent death?