Fungi Forums

Video Games => Mario Chat => Topic started by: Bowser Boy on May 01, 2001, 02:42:40 PM

Title: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Bowser Boy on May 01, 2001, 02:42:40 PM

Edited by - Bowser Boy on 5/1/2001 1:44:18 PM
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: The Koopa King on May 01, 2001, 02:54:34 PM
Hey....other Bowser.When i went to your website.I saw that your picture of Bowser was moving.How do you make the screen shot move or do the thing that they do in the game or whatever!I have the NESticle just what do i do to get moving screen shots.

Im the real Bowser
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Bowser Boy on May 01, 2001, 03:26:38 PM
Yea right, I am the son of Bowser, bwharharhar!!!! Heh. Anyway I have no idea how to make animation, I got my stuff from TMK Download`s.
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: daFunkster on May 01, 2001, 03:47:40 PM
Ya have to get a GIF animator program (sorry, I don;t have any to suggest) then you take seperate screenshots of every frame you want animatied, cut out the background paste it into the GIF animator program, and there you go.

Does your face hurt?
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: penguinwizard on May 01, 2001, 03:43:01 PM
It's probably too easy to make animation.

In the case of using Nesticle, note how you can save screenshots. Well, just take a screenshot for every frame (or image) you want in the animated picture. Then by using a picture editor, you can get the frames you want and make them into an animation.

Making an animation can be tough if you don't have the right tools. The most famous animation type is gif. You just put all the frames you want into it, then it will automatically run the animation for an infinite amount of times when you put it on your website and access it.

Finding a program that allows you to make gifs is the only problem. I can assure you that there are some free programs that you can use to make your own gifs. There's even a gif editor over at Tripod's Animated Gif Gallery that you can use to cheat and make your own gif.

But if you're serious about animation, you better find a gif program. You can also make a video file instead. There's a program called IconForge that can make videos, as well as icons, cursors, and animated icons and cursors. However, while it can make gifs, that option is reserved for the registered version.

Videos allow even more colors than gifs, but they take up a heck of a lot more space doing so. So it's not recommended if the only animations you plan to use come from NES or SNES games. Videos can also run when you put them up on a webpage, and you have control over how many times it plays.

May Yoshi live long and prosper...
Oh, and may PenguinWizard have the same treatment.
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: penguinwizard on May 01, 2001, 03:50:49 PM
So that's why it took so long for my message to post. daFunkster made a post at the same time :-)

As long as we're talking about our website addresses, try visiting my site:

it doesn't have a strong central theme right now, but it does have a Mario Cartoons section including pictures and sounds from the Mario Cartoons that you won't find anywhere else. I ripped the pictures from the videos over at DSMS (so if you use them, you better give Danny credit), and I ripped the sounds by using a program called totalRecorder.

I didn't sample the sounds from Super Koopa and Mama Luigi correctly the first time around, so I'll resample them later. There's also sounds from A Little Learning and Dadzilla, as well as a megaload of pictures and sounds from Born to Ride.

Right now there's over 50 pictures and 23 sounds.

And there's even more with my Animation Goof page that's also linked to that Mario Cartoon section.

If you visit, be sure to sign my guestbook so I'll know that I'm not updating the website equivalent of a ghost town.

May Yoshi live long and prosper...
Oh, and may PenguinWizard have the same treatment.
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Bowser Boy on May 01, 2001, 04:10:57 PM
How`s my site everyone? Alot of people have visisted it I see! Some area`s are not up though. Anyway I just updated!!
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: penguinwizard on May 02, 2001, 07:35:35 AM

Nice site!

I notice how the design of it is a lot different than other sites. That's a big plus. There's also a few things there I wish I knew how to do. Like having the counter in the upper right corner without anything like BeSeen below it.

That pic of the super koopa flying backwards is good too. I still don't know how it can "follow" you when you scroll down the page, though. Is there a Geocities site builder thing that offers that option? Does that explain it?

I really think that you should put a guestbook on your site though. It's a good start to get feedback about your site.

You might want to check out htmlGear (I think the web address is It's a free service that I believe is available for use on any website, and it includes free guestbooks, polls, and more. The only problem is that when you put them on your site, you'll see htmlGear buttons. You can get rid of them, no harm done in doing that, but htmlGear claims that you'll help keep their service free by showing their button.

Good luck with your site. I'll be sure to add it to my "Slinx" section (the links page) over at OpusPocus at:

How about that, you'll already be linked to from someone.

May Yoshi live long and prosper...
Oh, and may PenguinWizard have the same treatment.
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Bowser Boy on May 02, 2001, 01:14:45 PM
Thank you so much for the compliment! Ill be adding the guestbook after the re-format. I am shutting the site down so that mean`s you cannot enter it because it is being re-made into a better and bigger site. It`s ETA is tommorow or maybe later on tonight. See you! Btw, there will be a messageboard as soon as I find a good type of board, heh, EZBoard suck`s :P Peace!
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Bowser Boy on May 02, 2001, 03:56:13 PM
The site has been re-formatted succesfully!! Go to:
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Bowser Boy on May 02, 2001, 03:57:33 PM
Oop`s!! It is here:
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: penguinwizard on May 02, 2001, 04:16:19 PM

Bowser Boy, what does ETA mean?

I know I've heard it elsewhere, but I don't know what it means.

Oh, and good luck finding a good message board. Actually, Tripod's message board is even worse. If you can find any good message board or chat room, be sure to tell me right away where I can find it.

Because I'm thinking about adding those things to my site, but I can't do it when I don't know of good places to find them. Maybe I should search on Angelfire or Geocities even...

May Yoshi live long and prosper...
Oh, and may PenguinWizard have the same treatment.
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Bowser Boy on May 02, 2001, 04:27:01 PM
Just do not copy off my site or youll be saying hi to "Mr Judge" for copyright. Anyway I am accepting staff, and I need some Designer`s for my new board, I decided to do EZBoard. So go to my site!
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Bowser Boy on May 02, 2001, 04:27:51 PM
ETA Mean`s Expected Time Arrival. From a game I did play called EverQuest, It suck`s. :P
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: penguinwizard on May 02, 2001, 06:32:31 PM

Ok, Bowser Boy, I signed your application.

I'm willing to send in Bowser pics if you need them, offer suggestions, and remember that anyone can use the Mario Cartoon pics and sounds on my site for their own use. Because I'm not going to claim rights for them.

But even if you somehow reject the application, I'm probably going to end up sending some Bowser pic to you in a week or so anyway.

May Yoshi live long and prosper...
Oh, and may PenguinWizard have the same treatment.
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Mallow on May 02, 2001, 08:38:09 PM
Why is the fake Lugi code in the real cheats.
The pics are sooo funny!
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Fryguy64 on May 03, 2001, 02:18:38 AM
In fact, why aren't ALL your codes in the fake cheats, seeing as they're quite obviously completely fake >_<

Pocket Monster Island -
TMK''s newest affiliate
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: The Koopa King on May 03, 2001, 03:00:45 PM
Witch is the best Site Builder i can use?
Geo Cities site builder didt work,it never did load.Bowser Boy,witch site builder did you use.
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Bowser Boy on May 03, 2001, 03:12:13 PM
I used Geocitie`s, anyway`s the expansion to the site is very nice. I am pleased to announce the cheat`s were proven false. For Paper Mario AND SM64 I had movie`s with Luigi sent in. I asked NP and they said FAKE. The Room 1 of cheat`s is CLOSED and the Wall of Shame opened. Enjoy!

Big pimp`n at Mikkie D`s, I got me a, quarter pounder with an extra cheese, I got me a, super size fry with a Mc Flurry because I am, Big pimp`n at Mikkie D`s YEA!!

Originally made by Bowser Boy in "Bowser meet`s McDonald`s."
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: The Koopa King on May 03, 2001, 03:52:42 PM
How did you get the Geocities Page Builder to work!!??Everytime i try it,it take hours for it to load.Like i left it running for 4 hours and it was still loading!How do i get it to work damit!!!
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: daFunkster on May 03, 2001, 03:57:20 PM
Use regular HTML. It's not that hard to learn, and I think it's more flexible. And if your running a dial-up, it might be kinda slow.

Does your face hurt?
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: penguinwizard on May 03, 2001, 03:49:40 PM
Koopa King, you're not alone. I tried getting the site builder on Tripod to work, and it never loaded up!

If you have a word processor that supports web page templates (like Word 2000), you can just use that. Once you save your html or htm files, you can upload those to your account. That way it's easy to make a webpage without the site builder since you would already know how to work a word processor.

I did all my pages on OpusPocus using Word 2000.

May Yoshi live long and prosper...
Oh, and may PenguinWizard have the same treatment.
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Fifth on May 03, 2001, 06:29:03 PM
Too true; it's unwise to get into the habit of relying on HTML building programs.  One can do much more through a simple text editor like Wordpad or Notepad, and HTML programs generally do a very sloppy job anyway.  There are innumerable sites out there that one can use to learn HTML, or one can simply look at a page's source and apply a bit of logic.
Plus, once one learns HTML, one can look down upon others who use building programs.

Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Mallow on May 03, 2001, 07:22:46 PM
I agree HTML is better. Im using it for my site and its not as hard I thought it would be and its really fun. To learn I suggest  
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Fryguy64 on May 05, 2001, 04:00:05 PM
And I'll suggest as a good place to learn HTML - a bit more technical, and with lots of other kinds of code to use as well, such as SSI.

I relied on Frontpage Express for too long, and it spews out some half-HTML that makes the layout very unmanagable. Since I started using text editors, my life's been soooo much easier.

Pocket Monster Island -
TMK''s newest affiliate
Title: Re: Bowser`s Castle Site OPEN!
Post by: Mega 2 on May 07, 2001, 03:57:35 PM
That's a nice site, Bowser Boy, I'll add it to my links page.  Same to you, Penguin Wizard.

Lee "Mega 2" Sherman
Super Mario Bros. Indexer