Fungi Forums
Video Games => Video Game Chat => Topic started by: Vidgmchtr on April 22, 2007, 09:59:06 PM
I haven't decided, myself.
Why on Earth is this in my subforum?
I bought Red first.
Although it may be undermining your thread's premise, please specify what you're referring to so it can be appropriately placed.
The colors, the Pokemon games, or those guys from that webcomic?
I have Red and FireRed.
I had a friend with Blue and LeafGreen.
I used Bulbasaur and he used Charmander, so our covers showed our worst foe (particularly in my case).
Although it may be undermining your thread's premise, please specify what you're referring to so it can be appropriately placed.
It's a parody on Diamond or Pearl. He told me about this yesterday.
<Vidgmchtr> <--- Yay a parody thread by me!
I think he just put it in the wrong place.
I like the color blue.
This is supposed to be a parody thread? Parodies involve humor. This thread is not a parody. It's a copy, and a fairly interesting historical question I guess.
It should've been called Red vs. Blue. As it stands, this topic is poop.
And talk about a stupid machinima? No sir.
Stupid? You, sir, are now poop.
As if I cared about your opinion of me or my threads.
Please post someting meaningful or let the thread die, please. It didn't work the way I wanted it to.
Stupid? You, sir, are now poop.
You sir have probably posted the most meaningless comment I've seen in about a month.
People, people, people: stop arguing over whether or not Red vs. Blue is good or not. It has its shining moments, and its not shining moments, and its offensive moments. And that is the end of it.
Has it yet been revealed what the point of this topic is? If it's Pokemon Red or Blue, those games came out forever ago and are basically the same thing. If it's the colors, this poll doesn't belong in VG Chat. If it's a joke, then it honestly shouldn't have been made in the first place. And finally, when I called Vidgmchtr poop, I meant no offense, I just like saying "poop". So there, that's all the loose ends tied up.
Has it yet been revealed what the point of this topic is? If it's Pokemon Red or Blue, those games came out forever ago and are basically the same thing. If it's the colors, this poll doesn't belong in VG Chat. If it's a joke, then it honestly shouldn't have been made in the first place. And finally, when I called Vidgmchtr poop, I meant no offense, I just like saying "poop". So there, that's all the loose ends tied up.
The first one. I was hoping people would be smart enough to find that out on their own, seeing this thread and then seeing "Diamond or Pearl" after it (or vice versa). It wasn't supposed to be serious at all, because everyone knows Red and Blue came out years ago. The only reason I didn't add "Pokémon" to the beginning of the title was because Lizard Dude didn't have it in his poll either. If you looked at both threads they're pretty much the same (save the colors) all the way up until the first reply.
But whatever joke in a thread like this there is gets ruined once the author has to explain it.
That's the only problem. There was no joke ever. This thread has 0% funny. Don't think I'm insulting a bad joke, because there is no joke.
I do think this thread is (could have been?) legitimate and worthwhile, though.
I hate to beat a now very-dead horse, but what was the point of parodying a totally legit thread? I understand parodying a dumb one, but...never mind.
I would like to say I bought Red and remain loyal. Yellow is neutral. I bought that too. I went both ways on Gold and Silver, never got the neutral Crystal, and that's where my Pokemon phase ended.