Fungi Forums
Video Games => Video Game Chat => Friend Codes => Topic started by: Super-Jesse on April 27, 2008, 12:27:58 AM
Alright, let's get the ball rolling folks! Here is the official Mario Kart Wii Friend's Code thread.
Super-Jesse: 5241-2296-0827
Super Caterina: 5155-3052-6615
Vidgmchtr: 1246-9120-8661
-Lizard Dude: 1375-7640-3443
Deezer: 2449-5058-7127
Luigison: 1762-3078-5921
NintendoExpert89: 3136-6974-4742
Chocobo: 2836-0582-7867
BirdPerson: 2836-0586-9532
Rao: 1676-4207-9371
MEGAߥTE: 2320-6688-5447
Chupperson: 2578-3847-5952
Suffix: 0559-7480-0297
1246-9120-8661 =3
I have added you in my friendlist Super Jesse! Now prepare to eat duuuuusssssst!!! =D
Okey Dokey I added you both. I tried to enter a batte you were hosting Caterina but it said "unable to meet up" for some reason?
It was unable to meet up because we were fighting in that moment: you must wait untill we finish a race or a battle.
By the way.....Hey Super Jesse....Gehehehehehehehehehh...GOOOOOMBAAAAAAAAA!!! XDDDDDD
By the way.....Hey Super Jesse....Gehehehehehehehehehh...GOOOOOMBAAAAAAAAA!!! XDDDDDD
Grr, dang Goomba ruined my ultimate WIN! Oh well (she's good guys, so watch out!)
Luigison, care to share your code?
Sure. I'll have to look it up and copy it later. I've been registering people that I already have Wii codes for by send the requests through the Mario Kart Channel. It's a great idea, but I wish they hadn't have limited it to three messages at a time. I'd much rather be able to select who to add from a list then go through each one at a time. Still, it's much easier than posted codes in thread like this. Assuming we've already shared Wii codes that is.
Cadet 1375-7640-3443 reporting for duty, sir.
I added everybody.
I added you all.
I'm in on this too!
I assume lag is different in Mario Kart than it is in Super Smash Bros., so I might be able to actually play.
I assume lag is different in Mario Kart than it is in Super Smash Bros., so I might be able to actually play.
Virtually none. The only problem I've noticed is somewhat spotty weapon impact detection.
Maybe in the next week or so we can have a TMK MKWii night, maybe I'll give away a free wii wheel to the winner or something.
There is a bit of slowdown if on 2P WFC. I registered Bird Person and Chocobo; hope to play you soon.
There is a bit of slowdown if on 2P WFC. I registered Bird Person and Chocobo; hope to play you soon.
I see how it is, don't register me :'-(
I mean that, if you and a "Guest" were playing side by side against others across the internet, then there is a decrease in frame rate (like if you played 3P VS or something). If you are playing by yourself against everyone else, the frame rate is fine.
I mean that, if you and a "Guest" were playing side by side against others across the internet, then there is a decrease in frame rate (like if you played 3P VS or something). If you are playing by yourself against everyone else, the frame rate is fine.
Mean to quote "I registered Bird Person and Chocobo" because it sounded like you didn't add anyone else, hehe. Sorry about that :P
I'm adding everyone on the list. However, since the numbers are small, I might have typo'd some friend codes.
Choco-EDIT: It would be cool to set up a TMK Race night sometime.
My brother registered this. Don't know if it differs from License to License, but I don't see why it should.
Haha! I got to race with somebody named 'Thomas'. I checked the friend codes and I think it's NintendoExpert. Man, I was doing terrible with Koopa Troopa. I always used to choose him in the first SMK but I think i'm going to have to leave him in favor of Boo King.
Yeah, that was you! Dang, you really clobbered me in some of those races. Funny how you turned up for me in both Worldwide and Region.
Haha! I got to race with somebody named 'Thomas'. I checked the friend codes and I think it's NintendoExpert. Man, I was doing terrible with Koopa Troopa. I always used to choose him in the first SMK but I think i'm going to have to leave him in favor of Boo King.
I have registered "Thomas" and also he has registered me (if I'm not wrong): I will teach him a very good lesson when I will be able to find him online! MWHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!
*Hey, will we organise a Mario kart Wii Tournament soon?
There are many Tournaments organised also in Italian forums, but they are all SOOO LAAATE (don't know the way...after 9.00 pm, or also 11.00 pm....ufff.....)! Time is different here, so maybe I will be able to play much more with you then with my homefriends (XD)! ^_^
You never registered me, Caterina D:
You never registered me, Caterina D:
Really? :o
Now I register you! XD
I think both people have to be online at the same time before you can see each other's icons. That's the way it's worked for me, anyway.
Updated with ChuppeRao info. Added everyone to my MKWii list as well.
Hope everyone's added me! :-D
Good news, I played some good matches with Super-Jesse, Vidgmchtr and the Weird Brothers. The lag seemed to only really affect items, which would hit much later than they should have. But I call it doable, especially since I can't play my favorite multiplayer game online...
Eh? SuperJesse took Luigison's job of listing all the friend codes? Oh well. It looks like I have a downside. A good amount of people already have Mario Kart Wii! I am actually waiting so I can buy some more stuff using my "spending" money. I am middle-class, but a good chunk of the money I have is life-support money (rent,food,etc.) and I plan on buying accesories for my Wii so I'm saving up spending money.
Eh? SuperJesse took Luigison's job of listing all the friend codes? Oh well.
It wasn't really my job. It's his thread. I just took it upon myself to edit his post with the new codes and he updated it. I see he didn't like my TT alignment and single spacing though.
Those who have ghost times better than mine or for tracks I haven't ghosted yet please send your ghost to me.
It wasn't really my job. It's his thread. I just took it upon myself to edit his post with the new codes and he updated it. I see he didn't like my TT alignment and single spacing though.
Those who have ghost times better than mine or for tracks I haven't ghosted yet please send your ghost to me.
1. We both edit this thread, and I just started it since I had the game on release day midnight and was hoping someone else did by then too, haha.
2. I do like that "tt" deal L'son, I kept it actually, I just think single spacing is too ugly with all the numbers, and spaced out it's easier to read. Don't care either way.
I need to start playing this again, GTA Four is taking up all my time......
Due to the odd license system, I have a different code from my brother:
I have to add a few people on this list. Anyone else had a chance to play against each other?
I ran into NintendoExpert again yesterday. We got to do some battle mode stuff. Also, early last week I'm pretty certain I raced Luigison for a little bit.
Hey, can we organize a tornament in the nearest future?
Yeah, Chocobo was always on the winning team in that. I recall when I was about to hit him with the red shell and he suddenly used the Mega Mushroom and flattened me! :D
I don't feel confident in my abilities at all, but here's my Friend Code.
0559 7480 0297
Yeah, Chocobo was always on the winning team in that. I recall when I was about to hit him with the red shell and he suddenly used the Mega Mushroom and flattened me! :D
Normally something like this happens during a battle! XD
I remembere that a day I was fighting in the battle mode, and I stopped in front of an another player (unknown for me): we've staied stopped looking each each other for a long time. Then I immediately used my megamushroom and he used...the power star!!!! XD DARUNIA!!! DX
(A scene like that reminds me of the classical cowboy's fight, where the coolest and strongest is the one who kills suddently the rival!! XD)
I raced Lizard Dude, Chupperson, and Deezer this evening. I feel like I have what it takes to win more than just a couple of races-- my previous post's message is somewhat less truthful.
feel free to add me
Oh, man. Lizard Dude turned me into KFC last night in Vs. races.
1289 9065 6756. That is all.
... Does no one check this topic anymore, or am I just not popular? It's been a week and no one's registered me. :(
If you have been racing "Dennis", then you have been racing Luigison.
I have registered all the new people. I'm using a different router, so hopefully I can finally play someone.
I battled with Super Caterina! earlier today. Most of the time she was on the winning team.
I battled with Super Caterina! earlier today. Most of the time she was on the winning team.
Eheheheheh! =D
Did you register me, too?
I wanna add people in here, but only if they'll add me back. I don't want a bunch of friend codes registered with no on on the other end.
Me: 4554 0378 7389
Let me know if you wanna register me, and I'll do the same.
Il take on anyone, but I dont know anyone here so il take messages or something like that.
For now, if you want to play with me, PM me. Once you PM me I'll be sure to have your code... so as long as you have mine we'll be good. I'll go ahead and see how many people I can register.
EDIT: I've added everyone that has posted a code in this topic.
Gah! I need to remember to post my code. Currently, I've sent an invite to Luigison to add me to his friend list and I have added him as well.
Sorry about the double post.
Jdaster64: 5413-7193-6717
I imagine since this is one of the top ten threads and is about friend codes, this does not count as necro-posting.
Or since you're usefully contributing.
To add, I'll probably be on decently often, once I finish getting Star-ranks in the Mirror courses and unlocking the staff ghosts.
I guess either very few forum members play online MKW, or everyone did and now hates it...
Jon, 3352-2173-9470
So yeah, Jdaster64; 2106-6071-4781. Finally double-starred, no intention of going for a triple.
Only 6255 VR as of now, and I'm not on very frequently, but oh well.
Oh dang, I totally forgot to add mine.
4081.6666.8395 The name you'll see will be my name: Patrick.
Like Forest Guy said, I'm not adding everybody unless they're willing to register me also. I have the whole Brawl list sitting there and not one single person has registered my number... so... I'm not doing it again.
Yeah me and Trainman are looking for people to play online with. Two player Mario Kart gets old fast.
I'd register your codes, but I'm moving out in a week and will have no access to my Wii the entire fall semester.
New FC..