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Miscellaneous => General Chat => Topic started by: Ambulance Y on June 25, 2008, 10:09:12 PM

Title: Classical music
Post by: Ambulance Y on June 25, 2008, 10:09:12 PM
I've noted before that I am not very keen on the idea of a musical genre -- it limits expression. But if I had to choose a zenith to all music, it would be classical. It is impossible to find music with more intelligence or emotion, in this way it exposes the shocking tastelessness of today's pop music. What irks me is when I ask young people my age if they like classical. Most say that it's too boring, which is an indication of their lack of musicality. I've also been told it doesn't have enough anger. Listen to some Rachmaninov and you will find more ferocity than any screamo band out there. And classical composers all have incredibly interesting lives, Beethoven being probably the best example. For such beautiful music to come from a deaf man is truly a notable human achievement. Let's all give some love to classical.

Oh, and if you appreciate classical, what are your favorite composers? I'm mainly into Brahms, Chopin, Beethoven, and Handel. 
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Chupperson Weird on June 25, 2008, 10:17:26 PM
Some favorites of mine are Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy, Arvo Pärt, Samuel Barber, Béla Bartók, Alexander Borodin, Dmitri Shostakovich and Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakoff.
As for a high point in music, a lot of great music is still being written. It's not like it's all pop music today or something. Pretty hard to get better than Beethoven, really, though.
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Ambulance Y on June 25, 2008, 10:23:24 PM
I sound heavily biased against modern music. Perhaps I should rephrase some of that. I like modern music too. I'm into lots of indie and some dance music.  And I love older acts like David Bowie, Led Zeppelin (as my first screen name would have it), and others. I just find more meaning in classical than most else. 
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: TEM on June 25, 2008, 10:24:11 PM
I like Led Zeppelin and Boston.
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Ambulance Y on June 25, 2008, 10:38:44 PM
Anyway, back to classical.
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: TEM on June 25, 2008, 10:40:26 PM
That is classical, right?
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: ShadowBrain on June 25, 2008, 10:41:15 PM
Those classical guys were more tortured and "emo" than most any band today can pretend to be!

Granted, classical songs aren't always the most engaging, but they're wonderfully pleasing to the ear and make a great soundtrack (1812 Overture 4 Life!).
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Rao on June 25, 2008, 10:41:40 PM
Is TEM acting like he doesn't know anything on purpose? I like a lot of classical. I love Ludwig Van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johannes Brahms, Antonio Vivaldi, Claude Debussy, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Dmitri Shostakovich, Benjamin Britten, Arvo Pärt... I like pretty much all classical. Also, I believe that Jazz is America's classical music.
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: ShadowBrain on June 25, 2008, 10:44:24 PM
I only wish I could match the names with the songs with the sounds of the songs more often... I'll hear a great classical tune every now and then, but I can't pin down the name!
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Suffix on June 25, 2008, 11:17:24 PM
I'd just reiterate all of Rao's favorites if I had to make a list, but I also know of many Romantic style artists I love, like Franz Schubert, Ottorino Respighi, and Felix Mendelssohn. I could also mention Paul Hindemith for only one thing: Symphonic Metamorphoses on Themes of Weber. Just about everything else Hindemith wrote I would classify as "crazy, perhaps scary nonsense."

Classical is my favorite type of music, as I was raised amongst primarily classical, and I've gained an appreciation for how imaginative it can be-- both in content and how one perceives it. My all time favorite composer is Dmitri Shostakovich, with Ottorino Respighi coming in a close second.
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: SamBeckett94 on June 26, 2008, 12:48:57 AM
My favorite composer would have to be Mozart. His piano skills were amazing, anyone that plays the piano looks up to that guy.

The only thing that beats classical is a bit of smooth jazz, which is equally amazing as funk jazz. The Night Court theme, anyone?
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Glorb on June 26, 2008, 12:54:43 PM
John Williams.

He counts, right?
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Suffix on June 26, 2008, 01:31:03 PM
Sure. I don't think he's written music for anything but movies, but it's almost exactly the same style as classical. Did you know Dmitiri Shostakovich got his start playing the piano behind the scenes for silent movies in Russia?
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Koopaslaya on June 26, 2008, 02:11:23 PM
Sure. I don't think he's written music for anything but movies, but it's almost exactly the same style as classical.

At least nothing super famous. I'm sure he's written stuff that has nothing to do with film. That is simply where his strong suit is.

Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Rao on June 26, 2008, 05:05:56 PM
John Williams.

He counts, right?
He definitely counts. The composer and guitarist.
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Chupperson Weird on June 26, 2008, 10:49:03 PM
As for the film composer, he sure has taken a lot of material from other composers. (See: Holst's The Planets, Dvorak's 9th Symphony)
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Suffix on June 28, 2008, 12:58:44 AM
Gustav Holst! Now there's a Romantic style composer I should not have forgotten in my initial list.
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Luigison on June 28, 2008, 09:17:05 AM
If listening to classical music by itself a very much prefer Beethoven.  His Fur Elise and Moonlight Sonata are to of my favorites, but who can forget the 5th symphony.   

I also love to watch classic Bugs Bunny done to classical music.  The one were Elmer sings, "I killed the Wabbit" is classic.  The one with Bugs as a barber is also great. 

Classical music in movies works very well.  Sometimes I like the music better than the movie.  2001 is a perfect example of this.
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Ambulance Y on June 29, 2008, 07:08:55 PM
2001 is a perfect example of many things. *Sigh* what a great, great film.
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Chupperson Weird on June 29, 2008, 07:31:07 PM
This is funny because my music composition professor last semester was talking about how it was revolutionary when it came out, but considering it now it's not so amazing.
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: TEM on June 29, 2008, 08:28:40 PM
If you are talking about 2001, that movie is great for timeless reasons, not graphix or anything.
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Chupperson Weird on June 29, 2008, 10:39:28 PM
I think he was mainly talking about how it gets really boring after a while. I haven't seen it in a long time so I should make a judgment for myself.
Anyway, I think TEM is right which renders Ambulance Y wrong, i.e. it's good because it's attained that place in the film pantheon, not because of intrinsic measurable goodness.
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: ShadowBrain on June 30, 2008, 08:39:26 AM
It's nothing short of miraculous how classical music worked in 2001 (I didn't know for a while that "Thus Sprach Zarathustra", or whatever it's called, wasn't made specifically for the film). That, and it's just a cool flick (as I understand it, there's no talking for the first and last fifteen minutes, or something). That scene where man discovers the weapon still gives me goosebumps...
Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Turtlekid1 on June 30, 2008, 09:38:32 AM
My favorite pianist:

Title: Re: Classical music
Post by: Rao on June 30, 2008, 11:00:32 AM
Heh heh, good old Schroeder. He's always playing Beethoven on his toy piano. Poor Lucy...
