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Video Games => Video Game Chat => Topic started by: MushroomJunkie on August 03, 2008, 08:07:31 AM

Title: Virtual Console question
Post by: MushroomJunkie on August 03, 2008, 08:07:31 AM
You know how the Super Mario Advance games are old mario games that are compadible for the newer console?  Well if you play the original game and then you play the same game for the gameboy advance (lets take Super Mario World for example), you will see that the newer version has changed alot!  The music is better and improved, they've moved or taken out bad guys, the graphics have improved and some other various things.  Well I was wondering if this is the same case with the virtual console?  Do the games stay exactly like they were when they came out a long time ago, or did they make some improvements on it for the VC.  I'd rather it stay in its original form.
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: Eclipsed Moon on August 03, 2008, 08:21:31 AM
For the most part, they simply pop the old ROM into an emulator and serve it to you like that.  In a few cases, the ROM itself has had minor alterations (Tecmo Bowl, for example, got rid of the original licensed names), but otherwise it's the same.
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: penguinwizard on August 03, 2008, 11:33:54 AM
I hate that licensing issues have to step in and either make it harder for a game to appear or require changing names and visuals in a game (weren't there problems with the Kawasaki license in Waverace 64 or something?). The old game's out there with the licenses, why is it such a big deal to reacquire licenses if you're just porting the thing (mostly unaltered) to a new system?

Reminds me of a short article on IGN talking about Jim Brown suing EA just because his likeness was used in a Madden game without his permission. And that videogames had "not been invented yet" so he didn't have a chance to give his say on whether to appear in the games. The suit seems ridiculous, of course.
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: Luigalaxy on August 03, 2008, 12:05:02 PM
What Eclipsed Moon said. Why do you think SMRPG isn't on VC?
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: MEGAߥTE on August 03, 2008, 12:11:16 PM
It is on VC.  In Japan.
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: N64 Chick on August 03, 2008, 12:40:50 PM
Why do you think EarthBound isn't on VC?


But seriously, EB has some references to The Beatles among other things...
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: BP on August 03, 2008, 12:50:22 PM
I doubt that has anything to do with anything. Nintendo of America just has something against good SNES RPGs.
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: Eclipsed Moon on August 03, 2008, 12:51:59 PM
Not that they cleared those samples in the first place. ;)  I remember hearing the Sgt. Pepper reprise drums and I thought "no way are they doing this".
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: Luigalaxy on August 03, 2008, 01:40:51 PM
It is on VC.  In Japan.

It is? Maybe Square Enix Japan and NOJ aren't not speaking to each other.
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: MushroomJunkie on August 03, 2008, 02:06:44 PM
Do they have a release date on when SMRPG is coming out on the VC for America?
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: MEGAߥTE on August 03, 2008, 02:49:12 PM
No, NOA is lame and doesn't announce VC release dates like NCL does.
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: MushroomJunkie on August 03, 2008, 05:12:10 PM
What is NCL? I've only heard of NOA and of course the one in Japan.
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: Chupperson Weird on August 03, 2008, 06:39:23 PM
Obviously you haven't heard of the one in Japan because it is NCL.
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: goodie on August 03, 2008, 07:24:40 PM
What is NCL?
Nintendo Company, Limited
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: MushroomJunkie on August 04, 2008, 07:07:00 AM
Ha Ha!  I see!  I always thought the one in Japan was called NOJ or just Nintendo!!  Thank you for correcting me. :)
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: ShadowBrain on August 06, 2008, 09:04:37 AM
Well, I do know that they did change the ads in WaveRace 64 and kept all the Muslim-appeasing modifications of OoT (mute Fire Temple and changing the Gerudo crest from a moon/star to a head-thing), but I'm not sure beyond that.
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: jmdblazer on August 06, 2008, 09:50:24 AM
Wow, I didn't know that about OoT. And I didn't think that stuff was muslim at all when I played the game. I think it would have been funny if they replaced the fire temple music with Bowser's castle music.
Title: Re: Virtual Console question
Post by: BP on August 06, 2008, 03:29:24 PM
The Fire Temple music changed between versions of the game on Nintendo 64 if I remember correctly, and the Gerudo symbol was changed for Master Quest and has since been seen in The Wind Waker and Twilight Princess.