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Miscellaneous => Fan Creations => Topic started by: BP on September 02, 2008, 01:09:52 AM

Title: One for Two
Post by: BP on September 02, 2008, 01:09:52 AM
Mystery Dungeon 2.


"BP, why don't you do anything but comics anymore?"

Well, I do... but they've all been MOTHER 3-related after the new version of "Smashing Afterparty." It's a great game and everyone should play it when the fan translation is done (or like I did, before), but I don't want to spoil it. And the last one I made, you are not going to understand unless you have beaten the game or at least know what happens at the end.

And I don't know, I guess I've just had a lot of ideas for comics lately. When I was in the fifth grade a friend and I made comics all the time, usually focusing on a group of stick figures we made up. They were longer, though. Pages long. So they were more like short, illustrated stories. When I made them, every page had twelve panels. Most didn't exceed four pages. Well, then we hit a combination of a dry idea faucet and a losing-interest tunnel. So it's not like I want to get into webcomics--I just like to make these short ones every so often.

And that's all I've got to say about that.
Title: Re: One for Two
Post by: Kuromatsu on September 02, 2008, 02:09:24 AM
"BP, why don't you do anything but comics anymore?"
I doubt anyone would be telling themselves that right now.
Title: Re: One for Two
Post by: ShadowBrain on September 02, 2008, 07:02:52 AM
What else would he do?

Nice comic, but... man! They should try to take out a Dodrio next time!

I'm... really not fond of those games, though.
Title: Re: One for Two
Post by: nensondubois on September 02, 2008, 08:41:18 AM
I don't care much for comics unless they're done by Aaron.
Title: Re: One for Two
Post by: Turtlekid1 on September 02, 2008, 10:12:19 AM
I haven't played Mystery Dungeon myself, but it's still funny to me...  another comical comic.
Title: Re: One for Two
Post by: BP on September 02, 2008, 11:07:03 PM
I don't care much for comics unless they're done by Aaron.
Aaron who? It's cool, I don't take offense to that at all. But just don't say that if you ever meet somebody like Gary Larson.
Title: Re: One for Two
Post by: Turtlekid1 on September 03, 2008, 08:08:27 AM
Professional Cartoonists I most want to meet:

1. Charles Schulz
2. Stephan Pastis
3. Gary Larson

The fact that the number one cartoonist on that list is dead may be a cause for concern.
Title: Re: One for Two
Post by: Suffix on September 03, 2008, 10:21:00 AM
Bird Person? Drawing a Magnezone!? What is the world coming to?!

I liked it, actually.
Title: Re: One for Two
Post by: ShadowBrain on September 03, 2008, 04:29:58 PM
The fact that the number one cartoonist on that list is dead may be a cause for concern.
A shovel and dark clothes can solve that problem.