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Miscellaneous => Forum Games => Topic started by: MarioSpiceMeat on April 19, 2002, 04:08:36 PM

Title: Where Mario and Luigi went-A beautiful sad story
Post by: MarioSpiceMeat on April 19, 2002, 04:08:36 PM
Mario and Luigi packed up their bags. They both new it was time for them to leave. They had both been old plumbers for way too long, and were also a race of the neverending Oldmen. Oldmen don't die. They leave the planet and have to go to a far away place called Meat-a-land. But to get there, they have to pass through the most dangerous, horrid, terrifying place to ever be created--The one and only, Poop Oblivion. If Oldmen can't reach this legendary place, they either are stuck in poop oblivion forever or eventually die on planet Earth, or URPH as they call it. Mario and Luigi won't let it happen. They will live in peaceful Meat-a-land. They both left URPH on the magical flying fairydust meat-a-balls, and eventually reached the hole of poop oblivion. Mario and Luigi bravely jumped in, being covered in spicemeat, salt, sweat and poop-a-juice. After a long trecherous battle through the endless poop oblivion, they reached meat-a-land! After the long journey, all Mario had to say about the poop oblivion was:

Mama mia~ Thats a spicey meat-a-ball!
Title: Re: Where Mario and Luigi went-A beautiful sad story
Post by: Bob the Spiny parakoopa on April 28, 2002, 04:06:03 PM
What?Mario and Luigi Leave?That's sorta stupid...
Who is going too save Peach?
Did Wario come too?

The Crazy Takes are comeing the crazy takes are comeing the crazy *Trips over*
Director:Soon...We Will Reveal...*Ash''s Pants fall down*
Mario:Ha ha ha ha!!!Mamma mia.
I need too get n one-a these shows...
Title: Re: Where Mario and Luigi went-A beautiful sad story
Post by: Insane Steve on April 28, 2002, 07:22:40 PM
Actually, this was just mindless drivel, posted my the master of mindless drivel himself. At least this one made a small amount of sense... moreso than all of his other posts COMBINED.

*My real signature went on strike, said something about "unfair working conditions". So, this is a temporary replacement sig, until I can work things out with the real sig.