Fungi Forums

Miscellaneous => General Chat => Topic started by: smb allstars master on April 25, 2002, 08:32:59 PM

Title: who did I annoy into hating me???
Post by: smb allstars master on April 25, 2002, 08:32:59 PM
maybe no one hates me right now, but when they read all this mario cartoons stuff...well, atleast they have a place to let out their anger. but basically, if i annoyed you or ****ed you off in the past (or present), i actually want you to post it here. I hate it when ppl try to be polite and dont tell me wut im doin that annoys them cuz that starts to annoy me!!

to feed your anger to get you to post:
im giving out the super show, smb3, and smw cartoons. go to my "ok im finally back...." topic and you can request an episode, where i will send it to you through MSN messenger. You can also get the zelda cartoons too!

ok, now post post post!!!

even if you want to be polite, i dont care!!if i ****ed you off, post wut i did here!!

I can get you the MARIO AND ZELDA CARTOONS!!!go to my "ok im finally back..." topic and request what episodes you want!!!


you really dont know, do you??
Title: Re: who did I annoy into hating me???
Post by: MadRhetoric on April 26, 2002, 01:04:38 AM
Afraid ta say ****ed? Oh well you never did anything to me,that's Ah! My Goddess' Truth.
Title: Re: who did I annoy into hating me???
Post by: Black Mage on April 26, 2002, 05:25:59 AM
 I seriously wonder how many people will pick up your reference to that particular Anime, MamamiaMario. I really do.

 No, you haven't done anything to me either, but if I act like a jerk to you, don't worry about it, I do it to everyone.

 I am Nobody
 Nobody is Perfect
 I am Perfect
Title: Re: who did I annoy into hating me???
Post by: MadRhetoric on April 26, 2002, 05:07:27 PM
Oh Ah!My Godess someone has seen that Anime too!! But you're annoying me SMB Allstars,by SPAMMING and ADVERTISING your Dumb cartoons in my BoredMKII GT topic. So beat it before I get ****ed at you!

Sign my Petition!
ReturnRoshan: What Petition?
MamaMia Mario: Hmmmm,that is right I should start a petition before asking people to sign it! I knew I forgot something!
Title: Re: who did I annoy into hating me???
Post by: smb allstars master on April 26, 2002, 06:32:13 PM
hmmmmm.....someone who i actually ****ed off.....ok ok.....ill create a new topic for the cartoons and take it out of my sig.....

I can get you the MARIO AND ZELDA CARTOONS!!!go to my "ok im finally back..." topic and request what episodes you want!!!


you really dont know, do you??